Family History Books List
I have the following books (or information from books) which I can
use to help you find persons if you e-mail me with the names you are searching.
Please keep in mind that even though the researchers of these books have tried to be as
accurate as possible mistakes might be found because records in earlier times were not
always kept accurately.
Col. Morgan Morgan - born in 1688 in Wales
He had the first permanent homestead in what is now West Virginia.
Lemasters U.S.A. 1639-1965
The earliest name I have is Abraham Lemasters who was born in
France in 1639.
The Headlee Family - Five Brothers and Two Uncles
The earliest name I have is Richard Headlee born in England in
The Fankhausers of Monroe County, Ohio
The information begins with the arrival of three brothers in Monroe
County, Ohio around 1819 and cousins who arrived around 1850.
by Frieda Funkhouser Wilson - copyright 1978
Funkhouser is just a variation on the spelling of
Fankhauser. Fankhausers and Funkhousers originated from a common ancestor.
The Harlan Family
The earliest name I have is Daniel Harlan born in 1793. Most of the
information I have is from the research of Mr. Claude R. Burton.