
In 1995 I traveled to Switzerland with a tour group. We visited my ancestral home in Fankhaus. There is a farm house there that was built in 1608 that is still occupied by Fankhausers. The following pictures were taken at the farm and surrounding areas.

Choose a picture to view by clicking on the underlined words.

1.Fankhouser's Farm House 2.Another Picture of the Farm House 3.Picture Showing Date House Was Built. 4.Barn
5.Hideout of Antibaptists 6.Garden 7. Cousin Hans and Wife 8. Prison at Trachselwald
9.Barbara and Tom 10. Tom (last picture) 11. 12.

funkhouserarm2.jpg (1413 bytes)

Last Updated on September 29, 1998 by Thomas N. Fankhouser