Pensacola FL, Aug 24th 1997 5:10 a.m. CDT
Nick and Tom were traveling to play golf. As they entered the freeway Tom checked his left blind spot to merge. They were traveling approximately 50 miles per hour. The spot was clear not only was it clear there were no cars. Nick being a back seat type driver looked as well. Nothing.
A bright flash on the well lit morning road, like from a giant camera.
"Wow!! Is it gonna rain?", Nick asked. A loud noise scared Nick and he was flung to one side. He looked over and saw Tom trying to get the big truck under control. They slid off the side of the freeway and rolled to one side.
"Are you Okay", Tom asked
"Fine." Nick said as he was pushing himself up from the door the truck was laying on now. " What the" Nicks voice trailed off looking to his left out of where the back window used to be. It shocked him at first. The other truck they had ran into was on the other side of the freeway. It was the same make, model, style, and color as Toms truck. It lay on the driver side.
By the time they had got out of the truck and across the freeway to the other truck. A few passerby's had stopped, some were in the freeway picking up the golf clubs that had landed there.
A man walked up to Tom, "Are you guys Okay?"
The man asked the pair, "Did you see anyone over there who might've been driving this truck"
Nick made his way over to the truck, no blood, no body, nothing. They searched all about. Something caught Nicks eye. He looked down at the license plate. It read THM-61S. From where he was at he could read the license plate on Tom's truck. THM-61T. He yelled at Tom. "Hey man come check this out!"
Washington DC Aug 24th 1997 6:00 p.m. EDT.
He told her to hurry up they were catching a flight to Pensacola, FL. "What's in Pensacola besides hurricanes and The Blue Angels?"
"A two car collision on a service freeway between I-10 and the beach."
"What does the FBI care about a car wreck?"
"Both the men in one of the vehicles survived the crash without a scrape, the occupants of the other vehicle were no where to be found. They were driving identical makes and models of trucks. The trucks licensee plates were issued one right after another. But the real interesting thing is that the truck that the men survived the wreck from. The license plate number on that truck was reported stolen four months ago"
"Why is that so interesting?"
"The man who owns the truck, Thomas Williams, has registration with that license number assigned to his vehicle."
"So he faked the registration."
"They seem to think so in Pensacola, that's why they are holding Mr. Williams"
"What about the other truck? Who's it registered too?"
He hands her a fax "Thomas Williams. They seem to think that somehow they made a computer error"
"So why are we going down there?"
"Why are we going down there? Don't you think of it as odd that two different trucks same model, color, make, style, the license plates issued one right after the other have a wreck."
"I'm sure that it is possible"
"Where are the people in the other truck? No blood, no trace of the other people. What is the cause?"
"You don't want to know what I think."
"Tell me anyway"
"Time slips"
"Time slips, Five years ago down in Gulf Breeze, FL, a man wakes up in the hospital claiming to be Ruben Carracks. Mr. Carracks was involved in a boating accident. He washed up on shore. What investigators found out was that the Mr. Carracks this man was claiming to be had died five years earlier drowning to death. He was visiting with family in Gulf Breeze from Tallahassee. He was riding a jet ski, all they found was the jet ski. He took his own life because he could not deal with the reality that he was very much alive. Not surprising though because people are so close minded and rooted in what they think is real, and do not leave themselves open to the possibilities that can exist out there. Ruben Carracks is dead because he thought he could not be alive if these people were telling him he was dead. You know what else they have in the Florida Pan Handle Area"
"Please!! Those sightings were admitted hoaxes"
"Only two of them, Scully. There are more reports than just those two on a regular basis. I want to talk to these men before something happens to them. They may not be able to accept the reality of the situation, that I think happened maybe I can help them see it. Mr. Carracks woke up, told them who he was, and now he's dead. Maybe they can help explain losing time associated with abduction. I think if a lot of people get abducted every day, and they can't account for a few moments. But I also think there are people that are simply not aware of its happening. Even if one of these men had been abducted , with what we know of people who describe what happens during an abduction, if time can stop how come it can't be manipulated., forward and back. Maybe one of these men or both of them were taken, time stopped, and somehow time resumed from before it was stopped. If this happened more than once maybe it forced Mr. Williams to show up just a bit later to get his tag for his new truck that he had gotten a little earlier than he did the first time."
"So what you are suggesting is that these men have lived the same moments in their lives over again, and somehow they collided with themselves on that freeway. Are you sure they did not stage this to get attention. These may be those very same men who admittedly reported those UFO sightings in Gulf Breeze falsely, that they manufactured pictures, how do you know they are not trying to get attention."
He looked down on her with a grin, "How, both these men are in the Navy, they don't have the material means to pull something like this off"
"Well where were they going at 5 a.m.?"
"They told the local police to play golf at another base in the area, they had a Seven O'clock T-time"
Pensacola Regional Airport Aug 27th 1997 9:16 p.m.
"Sir, Ma'am, I'm Mark Mosley, I was asked t' meet y'all and assist you with what you need."
"Can you take us to the men that are being held from that accident on Interstate 110 this morning?"
"I can show you where they live. Can't guarantee they are home though. We let them go around 6 this evening. We really couldn't hold them cause of the folks at the Tag office makin' a mistake."
"Mr. Mosley we were told those men would be made available to us, and you let them go. You may have placed their lives in danger. How close are we to their homes?"
"They are roommates, live about 20 minutes from here"
"Send a car to their home until we can get there"
He turned to her, "Go with this man and look at the vehicles. Look for any burn marks where the vehicles collided. I want to go and talk to these men."
"Burn marks??"
"In 1968, Jackson Mississippi, a woman claimed to be driving along when a car appeared out of no where and she slammed into the back of it. It was reported that where the two vehicles met was evidence of burning, but no one ever reported a fire, or being burned. No one was driving the car, and it was the same make model, and year as the car the woman was driving. They wrote it off as a hit and run and never linked the car to anyone."
Green Pines Apartment Building 9:50 p.m.
The door opens, "Mr. Williams???"
"No, hold on man, let me get him"
"That's okay are you Nicholas Roberts?"
"My name is Fox Mulder, I'm an agent with the FBI, we are interested in the accident you were involved in this morning. "
"Tom!! This guy wants to talk to you," Nick walked down the hall and a door shut, am man appeared in the hall and walked to the door. Mulder pulled out his ID as Tom walked closer to him.
"Hey how are you, c'mon in, they said you guys might show up. Don't know what the big deal is. I was pulling out on 110 and that other truck changed lanes and ran right into us. I didn't see it at first but somehow I remember it coming."
"Mr. Williams are you aware that they did not find a driver from the other vehicle?"
"Sure they did, we found him, this morning, actually Nick did. Guy wasn't wearing a seat belt, was tore up real bad. Head got tore off almost, not much of his face left. Said he tried to jump from the door while he was going. Said that's why the truck changed lanes and ran into us. He jumped into a sign or something and that's why he got tore up so bad. "
"Tell me about yesterday morning."
"Well we got up, I had to wake Nick up. I knocked on his door three or four times and then finally went in there. He got up, bloody nose. He always gets them, got hay fever or something real bad. Anyway I put on some coffee and made a little breakfast. We got ready and left. Had to stop and get gas. Its a little ways to Milton and we wanted to get there and hit some range balls to warm up. Neither of us are very good, I'm better than he is though. We were coming on 110 to get to 10 and got that way, I looked didn't see that truck coming it might've ways back in the other lane, so I merged right in to the right lane, next thing I know we were sideways in the right side of the road, spun around a few times. Was kind of fun actually"
"Tell him about the lightning." Nick had snuck in behind the two men.
"Oh yeah, right be fore we got hit there was a real bright lightning flash It was awesome. Really close to us.", Tom said.
"Do you remember hearing the thunder that followed?", Mulder asked, as he watched Nick walk back down the hall.
"The next thing I heard was being slammed into. Nick thinks this is all really weird. I think he is shaken up from seeing that other man dead. The sheriffs really have been helpful in sorting all this out. I was a little shaken up but now I'm much better. He don't want to talk about it. They were saying something about getting him in to talk to a therapist or something."
"Hell, Tom, why don't you tell him, Nick really doesn't mind peeing standing up, he's just not hung well.", Nick appeared again from behind.
"Mr. Roberts, what do you think happened?"
"Tom explained to me what happened," continues sarcastically, " which is really weird, because I was conscious through the whole thing and I remember it a little differently. Thing is I'm not sure if I am going crazy or not because the guy I found this morning was very familiar to me. I had a strong sense of dejavu. Lots of weird stuff. The lightning thing seemed to happen to fast. It seemed man made somehow, not quite natural. The thing I cannot get over is the license plates were one digit off the other truck looked just like Tom's Truck. My dad and I were going to the Valley once, Phoenix, and another red VW bus like the one we were riding in was coming the other way. My dad said "Nick, wouldn't it be weird if that van coming there was us. I'd wreck and kill us." Man that's the first thing I thought about when I saw that other truck"
"C'mon Nick, they said they made an error, and that other truck stole the license plate, it just got reported stolen wrong. They are pretty sure they will probably find something on that other guy whenever they find out who he is. Just some weird coincidences that's all"
"Yeah well you didn't see what I saw."
"Can I use your phone?" agent Mulder asked.
"Sure, " they said together and pointed to its whereabouts, They went on talking.
Mulder dialed Scully's cell phone, the voice came over the other side "Agent Scully,"
"Scully, they found a body, did the police tell you?"
Pensacola Impound Yard 10:00 p.m.
"No they did not mention it, I am looking at these trucks, there are burn marks on Mr. Williams' driver side, and the other trucks passenger side, where they collided like you said. Also there are burn marks on the other sides of these trucks. Maybe from being thrown about, not really sure. Other than that nothing to report. There is no blood or evidence that a body was thrown from either truck."
"The local police are saying he jumped from the truck before impact. Is there evidence of lightning strike on either truck?", Mulder asked.
"That could explain the burn marks. These marks have no trail to suggest that if it was a lightning strike, that the lightning went to ground. Why?"
"These men both claim to have saw lightning, one says the light seemed more man made that natural, and that it happened too quickly, neither heard thunder, that's when the accident occurred. Is Mosley there with you?"
"Yes, he has been very helpful, he was explaining how the stolen plates were reported some time ago, and that they were reissued to Mr. Williams in the computer, and when he went to pick up the plates that's when the error occurred, and he was given the ones with one letter off. Seems like a car crash with a few quirky coincidences is all Him"
"Yes Scully a few too many quirky coincidences. Look can you get to the morgue and look at the body they found?"
"It's 11:00 can't we get some sleep?"
"Please just see if you can look at it, no telling if it will be here in the morning, something's going on here, I can feel it. I'll meet you at the morgue. I want to stop by the local sheriff's station on the way."
"Okay, I'll be there."
Pensacola Morgue 11:20
She was examining a body, as he walked in.
He asked her "Where is Mosley?"
"He made a couple of phone calls and dropped me here. The coroner met me at the door, she had to leave, but will be back soon."
He started to explain, "I went by the sheriff's office to check on Mosley, seems that he was killed in the line of duty three months ago, shot in the back. We have got to be careful, this man who showed up to help us is not Mosley. They have no records of another Mosley employed by the Escambia county sheriff's department. What have you found out?"
"This man was killed instantly, the coroner report says he died of severed spinal cord at the base of his neck. They have taken dental impressions to identify him, as of yet no ID has been made."
"Now why would we do that, those two men are alive?"
"I believe that if these men or one of them was abducted, and with the time stopping that I have experienced myself, that it is possible when whichever one of these men was being returned somehow they were returned to a previous time even if it was just seconds ahead of when the time stopped, and it created two of the same individuals. A cloning process that happened the instant they were returned, and the instant time resumed an unavoidable accident occurred between them."
"Then what about the trucks there were two different trucks, and how do you explain the difference in license plate numbers?"
"The VIN numbers are the same Scully."
"They do not even issue license plates in the manner they suggested. If a license plate is stolen it is not reissued for two years not four months. What will they say when we ask them about this, "Oh its just another mistake." Our job is to close the loop holes find out what the mistake was, why it happened. Don't you think that when everybody is giving you the answer, we just made a mistake, that there has to be another answer."
"Yes, Mulder but we haven't gone as far as proving a mistake has not been made either."
"Lets look at the evidence shall we," Mulder starts sarcastically, "The manufacturer also made a mistake with two trucks, that just happen to be registered to the same man, if we accept that these were mistakes, I still have trouble with the probability that these two trucks get sent to the same dealership in Jacksonville where Mr. Williams bought the truck and then both end up in Pensacola and then just happen to get in an accident driving down the road at the same time of day."
"I have to agree, Mulder, there are a lot of improbable events that have happened in this case, we need to have proof." Scully responds.
"Would you compare the dental chart on this man to Mr. Williams' dental chart? He could not possibly be Mr. Roberts he's to small."
"All right, I will do it first thing in the morning. I can't imagine any Naval personnel are at the base."
Holiday Inn Aug. 25th 7 a.m.
The phone rings, he answers, "Mulder,"
"This is Mosley,"
"Really, Mark Mosley is dead,"
"That's what they told me too, I'm alive and well. I heard about you guys on the web. Specifically you. I was in a chat house. Some guy started about how he knew some FBI people. He told me you guys investigate unexplained phenomenon. Sounded a little silly at first,, so I looked into it. Called the Bureau and asked for you up in Washington. They said you weren't in. I was desperate and couldn't sleep much at night and I spent a lot of time on the computer. I can't explain it. I think I have gone through what you are investigating right now, I have no idea how there were two of me. One of us is dead. I always heard there was someone that looks just like me somewhere in the world, but did not know it really was me. I don't know how to explain it, so I got you down here to help. I heard you explain to Agent Scully what you think happened to those two guys. I can help you, I heard on the police frequency this morning that Nicholas Roberts has been apprehended. So I called the office he works at on base, he is there too."
"Where does he work on the base?"
"Some Navy school"
"Where is he being held?"
"At county. They picked him up for hitchhiking"
"Where was he hitchhiking?"
"On the Interstate"
"Is that a severe crime in this area"
"They had an APB out on him, all they had to do was go to his home. He was brought in by local FBI."
"I need to go see him, can I talk to you later?"
Escambia County Jail 7:45 a.m.
"Mr. Roberts, I'm Agent Mulder, do you remember meeting me?"
"No, the guys that picked me up were McDonald, and Morrison."
"Where do you live Mr. Roberts?"
"Green Pines, its out on 98"
"Do you got a roommate?"
"Yeah. So?"
"What's his name?"
"Tom Williams"
"What were you doing on the freeway last night?"
"I woke up there, last thing I remembered is we were going to golf on Sunday morning"
"Have you ever experienced losing time,"
"Only when I was still partying, I blacked out a lot.. Look sir, I hate to sound disrespectful, but what is all this about. I'm fine I know who I am, the doctor came and looked at me this morning, they won't let me call work to let them know I am alive. I am going to be in so much trouble."
"I think you may be surprised, I am going to get you out of here. I need to ask you some more questions. We will take care of you, you are not going to be in trouble."
"What does the FBI want with me, I haven't done nothing, maybe a couple things as a kid, that I got away with."
"Look, you are not in trouble, I am here to help you."
"Those guys told me this morning that they were taking me to a hospital, because I had been unconscious for so long, but I ended up here, and I am not in trouble?"
"No, trust me. Excuse me I will go take care of getting you out of here, I have to make a couple of phone calls, give me a few minutes."
He walks out of the room and calls Scully.
Corry Station Pensacola Branch Dental Clinic
She answers her phone "Agent Scully,"
"What did you find?"
"Well, the dental charts on that man in the morgue match Thomas Williams'. What is going on Mulder?"
"I told you already, we have two men that are cloned but have the same memories as one another."
"They are the same men existing simultaneously with themselves? There has to be a better explanation."
"Well I'd love to hear it. I talked to Mosley this morning, he claims that this has happened to him also, that is why there is an account of his death. I want to do more checking to get proof, but it appears he is exactly who he claims to be, he kept uniforms to pose as a sheriff here. He said he is why we are here. I want to get hard evidence from his records at the sheriffs office, a picture or something. Check on the records from the faxes we received and the calls we received on this see where they came from."
"I'll get that information, where are you?"
"I just got done talking with Nicholas Roberts, I am at county. They picked him up this morning on the interstate, Mosley tipped me off. He called me this morning, how did he get my cell phone number?"
"I gave it to him, he asked for them yesterday. What did Mr. Roberts do?"
"He was hitchhiking on the Interstate, Mosley said there was an APB out on him, and that local FBI picked him up. I found out this morning that APB was generated by local FBI. Mosley said he called where Roberts works and he was there as well so I am going to make arrangements to talk to him as well."
"This man has no recollection of ever meeting me, and I spoke with him last night. If Roberts is actually at work, I can get more information to support what I think has happened."
"What are you going to do with the man at the jail?'
"I'm taking him with me."
"That seems very dangerous if what you suggest is true."
"It may be the only thing that would convince them to help us. Roberts seems to be a very open man. I think he may even suspect what I have been saying. The Roberts I spoke with this morning would have to possess that same kind of open-mindedness."
"I'm already here, why don't I go over and see Roberts and prepare him a little bit. It may make it easier for them both to accept whatever it is if you tell the man with your with what you think."
"Your not buying into all this now are you Scully? You sound really supportive." Mulder replies sarcastically, "We need that information on Mosley and on those calls and faxes."
"I just want to get this investigation over with. We need answers and your suggestion, seems to be the way to get them. Lets face it they don't teach this stuff at the academy."
They hang up. He walks to the control officer at the jail.
Mulders Rental Car
"You asked me earlier what is going on, I need to tell you a few things about what I think happened yesterday. I'm not sure if it will be easy for you to understand." Mulder started to explain.
"What kind of thing's?" Nick asked.
"You and I met yesterday, you do not remember, I was at your apartment. We talked about an accident you were involved in. But I think the reason that you don't remember is because the man I spoke to was not who you are now."
"Look just tell me what your saying don't try to handle me, no matter what you say I am either going to believe it or not believe it."
"I think somehow the linear time path that we perceive was affected in your case, and now there are two of you and Tom. Another man was found yesterday dead. That man was not identifiable except by dental records and we believe that man to be the other Tom Williams."
"Okay Mr. Spock, lets heat up the dilithium crystals and slingshot around the sun and hopefully we'll somehow live long enough to save the day. What are you doing telling me something wild so whatever really happened won't seem so bad?"
"I know it don't sound possible. So many people are wrapped up in thinking they know everything that they never think beyond what has been proven. Even when the answer is so obvious they cannot just accept it. That is the greatest evil that people in power have done since recorded history. This evil was created by those people who thought they knew everything."
"Okay man, if that is what you think happened I am with you." fidgeting in his seat, getting closer to the door looking at Mulder shocked. "You really believe this huh, Why?"
"When I was 12 years old." Mulder started to explain everything.
Naval Technical Training Center
"This is where Petty Officer Roberts works Ma'am.", The base policeman told Scully as they pulled up to the building. "I'll escort you up."
"Thank you." Scully responded as they got out of the car.
2nd Floor of School Building
The security man went in ahead of Scully and explained they needed to see Nicholas Roberts. They followed the man in uniform from the reception area to a little cubicle in the back of the large office space.
"Nicholas Roberts?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"I'm Agent Dana Scully, you met an associate of mine last night?"
"Yes Ma'am, a man named Fox. Nice guy, what brings you folks around again."
"Agent Mulder is on the way here with a man who he seems to think looks a lot like you. He thinks its related to the accident somehow."
"A guy that looks like me huh? Maybe that's why they restricted me to the base."
"Yesterday night after Mr. Mulder left, I got a visit from the base police, they brought me and some of my things to the base stuck me in the barracks, took away my ID card and told me to stay on base. They said they would explain it later. I have been sitting here all morning wondering what happened, no one would talk to me. I think my chain knows something, but they aren't talking. Am I in trouble?"
"No Mr. Roberts, not with this part of the executive branch your not."
"Well good, I guess, I haven't done nothing to be in trouble in a while. I was going back through all my escapades wondering if something caught up to me, that I couldn't remember."
Front Gate NTTC Corry
"I lost my wallet, I don't have my ID," Nick explained to the guard, "This guys with the FBI and we need to get on the base, can you call security to come out here."
"No, sir," the guard said, "you can go over to the pass office and get a visitor pass."
They pulled the car around and went to the pass office. Mulder tried to calm down Roberts. "Its Okay, I'll get us on the base, I have been to a few military bases before. These guys have pretty tight security here."
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