lee, the director

(or, "i'd rather direct", as they all say here in hollywood)


"i am the artist

i'm also the art...

everything i do or see or have

end up as pieces of art:

a portrait in film

or video"

lee sjostrom © 1998

lee lee directingdirecting some famous actors

I love to direct. My mother says it's because I like bossing other people around. I honestly think it's because I just love to teach. I've been some sort of teacher all my life. First, teaching various things to all my younger siblings, then, at the age of fourteen teaching basic guitar (for pay) to children, then teaching my son, and later I had my own art school, teaching children's art classes. Now, as well as editing projects for film students through "starstrom productions", I also teach the basics of editing.


I believe I was born to be a writer/director. No matter what else I try, something nudges me right back to it! And, believe me, I've had more day jobs than a con artist has aliases! The above "still" is from my pilot episode of "Wednesday of my Real Life". The life size mannequins I created for the aforementioned sitcom pilot "Fade Out Inn". Although the pilot bombed, the mannequins have gone on to star in several of my later productions. They've often been featured in other peoples' projects as well, even a music video, "Guilty" for the heavy metal band "All". I created the set for "Guilty" in my Production Designer days. So, if Kimberly and Francesca look familiar to you, that's why. They've been on MTV!

Down below, if you wish to view it, is a short clip from my directing reel:

"directed by"

artist & hunter

to view a sample of "directed by" click here, or on the little artist

or right click on picture, you know, to save to disk. If you're on a mac, it won't work!

clip within the clip stars ricky ennist at age 6

music composed by rick ennist © 1997

(it may take awhile to load, sorry!)

directing credits

the little hunter...(CBC)

fade out inn...rasputin entertainment

excerpt from "castles"...a sjostrom/rasputin video film

wednesday of my real life...century cable television

birthday!...century cable television

spooked!...century cable television

fun with ADD...a starstrom production

wings to fly...a sjostrom music video - singer/songwriter, eve hands

waiting for wednesday...a starstrom music video - lee, ricky & trannce

lights, camera, ACTION!...a starstrom music video/music by ricky ennist

So, now you know a little about me as a director. I'm still dreaming of directing my first feature length film. With the connections I'm making as an editor, that may not be so far in the future!

Hollywood Filmmaker, Director, Artist, Screenwriter, Composer, Video Editor, Starstrom Productions

to know about lee, the writer

click on "the writer" picture


(you knew that?)

little castle

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