i live to create...just leei create to live

end slate

kimberly's slate

Finally we've arrived at the last page. Unless you cheated and came here first, you've gotten to know a few of my secrets. If you actually looked at all the pictures, read every line, had the patience to load and preview the video and music clips, you are a very rare person in this world. Maybe you came from the same home planet I did?

So, to test your patience even more

heres another video clip from my UCLA student editing promo -

to view it, click here, or on picture link below

light's, camera, action!

the audition

load time is lengthy, but the music is good!

music by eric ennist � 1995

lee on pierSoaring above the lofty rainbow -

Pains floating softly in the waves...

Saves me from dying,

Cry dimmer, glimmer,

Shimmer, shimmer...

lee on the rocks

Sea gull, tell me -

Sea gull, quell me -

Lull me, pull me, oh, sea gull,

Along on your quest...

"sea gull rock"

� lee sjostrom 1998

warning! Hollywood Filmmaker, Director, Artist, Screenwriter, Composer, Video Editor, Starstrom Productions

* to review any of my pages, press whichever link!

the secret diary


my bio

the editor

the director

the writer

old poetry


my family

fun with ADD

my junk

my art

my music

"reel" crime


my gripes

my place in space

after notes

Down below are some of my favorite links. Since I'm still new at this "internet surfing" thing, I don't have a lot of places for you to go yet. If you like the idea of my site, e-mail me, and I'll link your site to mine. My "reel site" will always be a work in progress, as is my life.

I really would appreciate feedback on this, my "reel" site. Please e-mail me if you like it, don't like it, hate it, links don't work, poetry is bad...I don't care. I'd thank you for the effort anyway. Believe me, I've gotten rejection and critique letters from the best! And if you don't write and choose to ignore me, I've also already been ignored by the best!

But, secretly, I do hope you'll come back again and see my site evolving.

Hollywood Filmmaker, Director, Artist, Screenwriter, Composer, Video Editor, Starstrom Productions

and, don't forget to sign my guest book!

sign guestbookcastlecastleview guestbook

or for fun,

view old guestbook

or go back home if you forgot something

little castle

take care and love life!

lee on camera

lee sjostrom

e-mail me:
click here!