my paintings, my art

gypsy eyes

"Gypsy Lee" 1986 (detail) melinda painting

I have a large collection of paintings: my own sentimental and unsold stuff, artwork from my talented family; my mother, my aunt, my two sisters and even one of Carl's and one of Ricky's (age 4). I've also collected original works of unknown artists bought for set dressing for a couple of dollars a piece at thrift stores. As well, I have a several masterpieces from artist friends that I traded for my own. I think I got the better deal.

The partial oil painting to the above left is a portrait of Melinda, the daughter that Carl and I could have had, but never did. I painted her looking about twelve on a 40 X 30 canvas, using an obvious combination of both Carl's an my features. It's one of my favorite paintings, and although still unframed and unsigned, hangs in our living room. To hear "Melinda's theme", click on the link below. It takes awhile to load, so you may want to skip it...?

Melinda's Theme from "Castles!"

© lee sjostrom 1998


mother's painting

painting by Anni Ennist © 1954

The above oil painting is one of my mother's very early works. It desperately needs to be restored, and one of these days I hope to be able to afford to have it done by a professional art restorer. My mother gave me the painting when I left for California because I'm my papa's daughter, and I love the ocean. I've included it on this page with my own paintings because I inherited my art talent from my mother.

the red guitar

The painting to the right is the last painting I actually finished, "the red guitar", an acrylic portrait of Ricky. He's never seen it but I guess he will when he visits this site for the first time! Hi, Rick! The painting is one of a series of four in the same style: one of me, one of Merlin, and one of Carl (which is still unfinished).


dragon sketch

The above is only one of my series of "fantasy" pen and inks. What you see is just a detail from a much larger painting. The original also shows a princess and a castle, and can be considered one of my many "castle" paintings. Why so many castles? Well, when I was little, I pretended that I was really a princess, adopted by my parents to keep me safe until my country would be rid of all the evil dragons. I've loved castles all my life. On our tour of Europe before moving to California, Carl and I visited every palace and castle we could find. I have hundreds of castle photographs, but the ones I paint are from my mind. I called our old, Victorian mansion in Canada, my castle. I guess "castles" symbolize my longing to be home, wherever or whatever that may be. It could be a country, a planet, the hereafter or just recognition in my chosen career as a filmmaker. It could be all of the above.

One day, I will live in my castle.


girl and catTo the side is a "cel vinyl" painting on art board that I haven't framed yet. I did a whole series in that medium and style, some of which were sold. This one represents a connection between the past and the future. The little girl is me as a child looking into a window of a house I would one day own (and did) and a cat that I would one day adopt (Merlin). Merlin not only has appeared in many of my video films, but in many of my paintings.

merlin in bucket

To the left is a pastel portrait of Merlin. It's one of ten pastels I did in one week for a hurried "art exhibit". I took one workshop in pastels, and decided I was not going to show the paintings I had originally planned, but more "saleable" pastels. Unfortunately, I didn't sell any at that time, but I now only have four of the ten in my own collection. Two of my pastels, the one on the left and another one I still have, went on to be exhibited at a juried show at Toronto's "Casa Loma" in the International Pastel Society art show. It was quite an honor for me. I even got a certificate of participation!

rick & merlin

The above section of a painting is from a large oil I did for one of my very early art shows. It's a portrait of Rick and Merlin, and I still have it in my own collection. I tried giving it to Rick before I left for California, but he said "no thanks!"

little ricky

To the left is a small oil on paper that I painted while in College. It's a portrait of Ricky, age five. It has never appeared in any exhibits (just videos), and I just recently framed it with an old, antique frame I found in a thrift store.


carl watercolor

The detail of the painting to the right is one of Carl I did from memory while he was at work. It's a watercolor on rough paper. It also has never appeared in any of my exhibits. I painted it just before we moved to California in 1989, and also just recently framed it. It's hanging somewhere in the apartment.


girl at mirror

"The Girl in the Mirror", above, is a detail of a much larger painting. In the original, you can see that the woman in the foreground is wearing jeans, representing the present. The antique dresser is a gateway to the past. The candles in the mirror are burning...I still have the dresser, the candle sticks and the vase (which is really an antique toothbrush holder).

lee watercolor

The painting to the right is also a section of a larger painting, one of two watercolor self portraits I attempted after our backpacking excursion to Europe and before our move to California. It is a sketch meant for a larger oil painting that I've never started, and probably never will. Meanwhile, I've framed it, and it's hanging where I can see it while I'm typing this.


barn pastelLast for now, is one of the few landscapes I've ever painted. It's also one of the ten pastels that I sold eventually here in California. It reminded the elderly Polish couple that bought it of their Homeland, even though the painting is of rural Ontario, Canada.

All the paintings you've seen are "stills" from my video film, "fun with ADD".

Hollywood Filmmaker, Director, Artist, Screenwriter, Composer, Video Editor, Starstrom Productions


and on to the next page:

lee's music


or back to the castle!

little castle