lee's place in space


"still" from California Literacy PSA "Blast-Off"

(edited by lee sjostrom)

So, are we nearly there? Is our destination far?

I'm getting weary. My eyes are blurry. My heart is pounding.

There's still so many steps to climb. When will we get there?

How can we keep going? Is it all real?

Or is it only an illusion that there's something ahead of us,

something to walk towards?

I don't know. Do you? We're taking this journey together, but ultimately

we're alone and apart.

We don't know each other, but we're friends now,

forever bonded by our sharing of this journey.

Will we reach our destination together?

Or will I leave you behind?

Will you, perhaps, leave me behind?

lee pointing

Does it matter? Yes. It matters, but I don't know why.

Maybe because you're me, and I'm you, and we're both here now.

I'm here now.

And the journey seems endless...

lee sjostrom April 1999

"miles to go before I sleep,

for I have promises to keep."

Robert Frost

if you'd like to view the 30 second version of

"Blast-Off", the California Literacy PSA

click here or on the spaceman below

first man on moon

edited by lee sjostrom 1998

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Hollywood Filmmaker, Director, Artist, Screenwriter, Composer, Video Editor, Starstrom Productions

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