Some of you may wonder why I put up a page with my innermost thoughts. Well
     (1) it would be interesting to read and
     (2) maybe it would promote people to think about ourselves and our being a little more.

Here are some tibits of things I think about, and some questions I think are interesting to ponder upon:

1. Why we do certain things (i.e. the decisions and actions we take in everyday life)
2. Why we believe certain things (i.e. assumed social etiquettes, religions, traditions)
3. What drives us to go on (i.e. purpose)
4. Level of intimacy in relationships.

As a pre-med engineering student I've been intrigued by how things such as the human body (science/medicine) and machinery (engineering) operate. I believe science has really made great strides in contributing to society's vault of knowledge. However, something that I think many people get confused about is how to interpret certain things in this world. Many people tend to reason things in this world by 'how' things came about (science), but not really answering 'why' things came about (philosophy/theology) at the same time.

You may say, "Who cares? Knowing the 'how' quenches my thirst for the knowledge of the human being". I think this is a dangerous mentality that many people have adopted in this generation. We should educate ourselves to know how and why things happen. The following is just some basic thoughts I have about life. If you want to discuss any of these, feel free to email me.

Our Actions

We 'do something' almost every minute of our lives, usually subconsiously (i.e. eating habits). Conscious actions tend to be decisions. Now, why do we do things the way we do? Why do we eat certain foods different than other people? Why do we all act different in the same situations? These are mainly due to our differences in past experience, tradition, and instinct. We are usually unaware of these things, mainly because we are used to the actions. It is most difficult to change or eliminate any of our subconsious actions.

Our Decisions

We make decisions probably less often than we do subconsious actions. Decisions are different from subconsious actions by the logical thought processes. We make decisions using reason. Although reason does not always lead us to the 'correct' answer, it is the human's best tool for decision making.

Now why do we decide certain things? Why do you decide to take one road or the other? Why do you choose one product over another? This is because we have a preference. This preference arising from what we desire most. Although some may think we make decisions that benefit us plus any other party, but we think of that only to appease the other party, to do whats "right", which will give ourselves a sense of peace. This is what everyone does, wheter we know it or not. We, as humans tend to be selfish in many ways. We may say we do some things 'out of love', but then, part of those decisions we make are because of our want to love; which ultimately satisfies us. There's nothing wrong with this 'natural selfishness' though. Humans have the natural tendancy to want love and to want to give love. Both, satisfying ourselves in some manner.

Our Beliefs/Morals

Much of our decisions are based on how we have been brought up in the past and what we believe to be true in this world. Here is where I have most difficulty accepting in this society. Many people go through life doing their 'traditions' or 'religions' without knowing why do them. They do them either because they would 'feel bad that they are dishonoring their ancestors' or beause many people do it, so they just follow suit. If you believe in some religion, know why and what you believe. If you go to school, know why you go there. If you always get up in the morning and burn inscence, know why you're doing it. People should not believe things because of what others believe. They should believe because they believe for themselves. I am somewhat disappointed at individuals who create illusions, deceiving themselves into believing certain things. Or even worse, people who avoid the truth, because it threatens their comfortability - this is plain foolishness. Think about it. If you avoid the truth, what are you holding on to?

Now there's a question we struggle about morals and how they originated. Why do we think murder is wrong? Why do we think rape is wrong? In order to determine that something is wrong, then there must be some things that are "right". To differentiate between these, there must be some sort of absolute moral law; and because there must be an absolute moral law, there must be an absolute being who gives this absolute moral law. (I've discovered this matches with the Christian "God" . If you would like to discuss about this, feel free to email me)

Personal Relationships

Nowadays, I find so many people having the wrong perceptions on dating, relationships, etc.  I think if couples really love each other, they would love each other unconditionally. If couples are able to refrain from holding hands, touching each other, kissing, etc. and can retain the same level of intimacy, they are well suited for each other. I believe that no couple really needs to become physically intimate, because it doesn't really mean anything in the relationship. I just see making out (or whatever) as a sign of insecurity. "You need to to it in public so people will know. You need to do that so your partner will be satisfied with you." These are all the wrong way in having personal relationships. Your partner should love you for who you are, and not for the things you do with them.

I believe that getting to know people for 'who they are' is the most important thing. So getting physically intimate will definitely not achieve this. I mean, if people just want to 'try these things out' or just have 'flings', then they should go ahead and do those things with others who want a similar thing. But what is dating really for? Isn't it in search for the one? If you're serious about relationships, then change your ways and go out sensibly. Get to actually know each other.

With regards to sex, I disagree with people who think having sex before marriage is okay. Don't you want that special thing be with the one you will marry? If both of you really do love each other, then both of you would be ok with waiting until marriage (since marriage=true commitment). I personally would be turned off if I found out the person I was going to marry had sex with five other guys or something. What does it show? A lack of ability to commit? You may think, 'I need to make sure we are sexually compatable." Well how will you know the difference if you wait for only one person?

It's sort of strange how TV so powerfully implies that we all have to have sex, or else we'd be the only ones left out. I really think that if we plan to have a successful marriage, we should hold off our urges until we are ready to fully commit to our partners. For some, marriage is represented by that one time when the girl gets pregnant. So is marriage based on accidents happening in bed? Marriage has to be something that isn't based on physical or sexual intimacy, material possessions, time spend with each other or status-- but love for the other person, alone. Love for the other person should be independent of those other things.

If you want to read my thoughts on dating for Christians, click here.

Our Purpose

Most of us have some faint sense of purpose in our lives. For some, our purpose is to find a lifelong partner (love), to be financially stable (money), to be mentally stable (peace), or even all of the above. Now how do we find meaning or purpose in our lives? We seek love, security, and truth. For many of us, we find love from friends and family, security from money or a significant other, and truth from science. For instance, in terms of 'truth', when we hear commercials on TV that say, "...scientifically proven..." we immediately assume that the product must work. Or that whatever it is that is scientifically tested, is good.

What motivates us to continue life? Science says once our physical being shuts off, we die. Do we spiritually die as well? Or are we just physical beings, whose only purpose is to exist? Or is there something to look forward to at the 'end'? We may ignore these questions until later in our lives, but perhaps the 'later in your life' comes sooner than we think. This is important, because we have no control over our death. This inevitable fact should motivate you to determine what is true about this world (i.e. God's existence, etc.). We shouldn't hold on to our past traditions if we don't know what they are all about. We should believe in things only if we are certain they are true.

So what is our purpose? To find meaning? To find your own happiness? To find if a God exists? To find our inner self? Then why are we so caught up in education, finding a job, etc. Sure, security is something important. But what is all the work for? To live a comfortable life later on? How can you live comfortably not knowing your purpose? Maybe we don't have a purpose. Maybe we have just been accidentally made, and that our only purpose is survival. That would mean to survive you would need power. Take for instance, the United States. It has so much power over countries around the world, that it is almost imposing its own rules on others. People's minds are changing in such a way to adopt this mentality. Luckily, we weren't accidentally made by molecules. If we were, why do we have morals? They have no meaning. Why do we love? For our survival? I'm glad to have recently discovered that there is a God, and that he has tried to communicate with us for the longest time. I'm not kidding you. It goes against my intellect to say that God exists. We have been borne into the presupposition that all there is in this world are atoms and reactions. We have been used to the fact that "God is dead" and that God is a figment of our imagination and childhood, so we assume that God is non-existent. If God is non-existant all the talk about supernatural things like resurrections, walking on water, etc. of course are not true. But if God exists, then those are quite possible. Its amazing how we don't even realize that we automatically assume God does not exist. See my next page for information on a figure who came to confirm God's existence. You don't have to believe any of this because of what I say. You should believe only things you know are personally true. Don't believe what people tell you until you know for yourself.
"A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps." - Proverbs 14:15

It gives me great satisfaction to know that the Christ-God exists. Although previously I had many biases against religion, Christianity is not some religion. To all of you hard-core science persons, beware.. there's a lot more to discover than what you know.


Here are some great apologists who touch upon these topics in more detail. Check out their pages:

Ravi Zacharias. Audio recordings (RA) of his various talks about existence, good/evil, university students, etc.

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