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Fractals Page


The image above the text you are reading is a fractal. If you think that fractals are artistic drawing created by an original artist, you are completely wrong. Fractals are graphics of complex mathematical functions. Behind fractals there is nothing else than mathematics. It is called "fractals" because these drawings are not in first, second or third dimension but fractional dimension. A fractal can be in dimension 1.333 by example.

Now that you know that fractals are only mathematical stuff you want to know how it is possible. To completely understand everything about how mathematical functions can make the cool pictures that you see, you have to know advanced mathematical notions but you can still understand some basic surprising facts about fractals.

I could explain all that stuff to you but there is already a excellent page created by Harold Brochmann. So I strongly suggest that you visit Harold Brochmann's Fractal Page, an excellent page to understand fractals.

Fractals pictures
Click on the thumbnails to see it bigger

The fractals pictures come from Stephen Ferguson web site.
His site contains a lot of fractals pictures, others cool 3D images and some programs you can use to create your own fractals. No need to understand the mathematical stuff about fractals.

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Last modified: March 3, 1999.