Try to build a cube like this one .
If you look at this circle, you will probably see some waves in the circle but it's only an illusion.
Stare at the black spot in the first image during 30 seconds. After scroll down and stare the black spot on the plane.
Where is the blue spot ? In front of the stairs or behind the stairs ?
The vertical line in the second image seems to be taller than the line in the first image but it's an illusion. The 2 lines have the same length.
On which face of the cube is situated the blue spot ?
This triangle is impossible to build.
All the lines are parallel.
Look carefully at the picture of the queen. Stare at the nose of the Queen and try to not blink. After 30 seconds, look at the blank space and blink your eyes. You should see the image of the Queen in negative.
This one is my favorite. You have to follow the instruction carefully or it will not work.
When you will see the triangle, read the sentence (in the triangle) with a loud voice many times. Don't read it in your head, it won't work, read it loud even if you think it's silly. Now, you are ready, you can scroll down.
If you read it loud at least 5 times, you can scroll down.
Did you say "A bird in the bush" or "A bird in the the bush" ?