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Don't you know that a cynic is just a sad romantic?
--Sam Elliott in Dogwatch

William Russ Fanfiction Gallery

(Including the Russ Town Saga)

Niche of Other Fiction

Poetry Chamber

Notable Quotes

*Ratings Explanation*


~My gracious and humble appreciation is extended to those
who have sent me their generous, kind feedback. I sincerely hope
you continue to enjoy what you find here.~

The Phenomenal Women Of The WebŪ
Poetry & Writing Webring
Poetry & Writing of the Phenomenal Women Of The WebŪ
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This webring is all about romance, love and the heartbreaks that can result. Sites have romantic and mushy poetry, verses, graphics of love and a general overall romantic feel. They also share their personal stories about romance, love and heartbreak. Cupid lives in the hearts of the sites that participate in this ring.

Romance, Love & Heartbreak Webring
of the
Phenomenal Women
Of The WebŪ

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Updated June 26, 2000

Each work in this collection is owned wholly and solely by its respective author
and is not to be replicated or used in any way without the permission of the author.

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