Annie Dutton Lewis


Annie spends her time tormenting Reva while trying to hold on to her man, Josh Lewis, even though it is clear that he is NOT anywhere near in love with her. Poor Annie. Oh well, every soap needs a delusional psycho bitch. Since then, Annie got busted royally after trying both to convince Reva that she was her sister and then trying to frame her for the murder of her unborn child, which she had miscarried a few days prior. After losing everything, including the ability to bear children, Annie is hell bent on destroying Reva, so she has employed stripperwithaheartofgold Cassie to sabotage Reva and the Lewises. She is also determined to get whatever she can out of Alan, and holds a few grudges against Phillip and Harley. But Annie's latest scheme has little to do with them, rather with Cassie's little daughter Tammy. Annie gained control of the little girl and quickly became obsessed with her. However, after Cassie realized she was Reva's sister, she regained custody of Tammy from a devastated Annie. Annie rebounded by becoming engaged to Alan and is now planning to get all his money. She is also planning her revenge on Harley by reuniting Phillip and Beth.

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