Matt Reardon

Vanessa's little bohunk

Matt is one of Amanda's former male prostitutes from her flesh-peddling Malibu-Madam days. He met Vanessa after the real love of her life, Billy, went to jail, and the two had a little island lovefest. The fans seemed to like the Matt/Vanessa romance and so the writers made them the love of each other's lives. Whatev. Anyways, the two married, and then Vanessa found out about her illness and faked her own death. Matt didn't know that Vanessa was alive and sighing in Switzerland, and was growing closer to her daughter, the Whinah, while trying to gain her son, Bill's acceptance. After discovering that the sighing saint was alive and getting well, he decided to build her dream house, apparently under the impression that if he built it she would come. Well, she did, and he wasted no time impregnating her. The problem is that the pregnancy could bring her illness back, so Matt is now overly possessive of his wife.

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