Phillip Spaulding

the MAN

Phillip returned to Springfield to find the A Spaulding who set him up to take the fall for the Towers bombing five years earlier. He spent so much time searching for this A. Spaulding, that in the process, his wife Beth divorced him off-camera. Eventually he found out that it was his father, Alan that had set him up. Meanwhile, Phillip had befriended druggie Annie, and helped her beat her pill addiction, as well as finding out about Rick's one-nighter with Blake. When Harley Cooper returned to town, a lonely Phillip started helping her in her scheme to get rid of Jeffrey, and the two slept together. After spending more and more time together, and sleeping together time after time, the two fell in love. But when Phillip's ex-wife Beth returned to claim her man in a fit of jealousy, Phillip managed to screw up his relationship with Harley in by going into white-knight mode in his attempts to protect Beth from her psycho ex-boyfriend. He even shared a passionate kiss with Beth, causing Harley to dump him.

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