Due to its geographic variability and a sheer number of cultural and historical monuments the Czech Republic is one of the most attractive countries in all of Europe, making it a MUST for the discerning tourist to include on their itinerary.
With a population around 1 and a 1/2 million people, Prague occupies a strategic geographical position in the very heart of Europe on the Vltava river.
A few table tips for those bound for The Continent:
Although fast food is making inroads among Europeans, mealtime, generally speaking, is still savored much more than in the States. Don't be surprised by lunches and dinners of 2 to 3 hours in length.
Whereas Americans will indicate to the restaurant staff that they have finished a meal by placing their knife and fork on the plate side-by-side, Europeans generally cross them to get the same message across.
It is common in restaurants for diners to keep the same flatware throughout the meal. It's accepted etiquette to wipe them off with a piece of bread. It's also acceptable to use your bread to sop up sauces on your plate. If you prefer, you may put the bread on a fork to do so.
Forearms are okay on the table; elbows are not.
During toasts, glasses are not normally clinked together. However, if you are giving the toast, be sure to look the person in the eye whom you are toasting.
And, of course, be sure to wish your fellow diners "good
appetite"; in English, that is, if you don't know how to say it
in the local language.