My favorite X-Characters

Here are my all time favorite X-Team members! Please be patient, the graphics take a while to load:)I will elaborate on this page as time allows! BTW I am looking for graphics of these characters, as well as WildC.A.T.S, to add to this page; if you have any to send, I'd be greatful:)

Polaris Page

Psylocke Page

White Queen Page

Domino Page

Gambit Page

Blink Page

X-Men fan-fiction!
Check out these awesome fan-fiction sites!
Lori's X-Men Page
The Shifting Sands X-Men fan-fiction Archive Pages
Generation X Fanfic Archive
CFAN: The Comic Fan-Fiction Authors Network
Krista's X-Men Fan-Fiction Page

Return to My Homepage.

These characters are all copyrighted by Marvel Comics. All of the descriptions were taken from the 1996 X-Men Chromium card set, except for Polaris', which came from the Fleer Ultra X-Men 1995 set (I'm not creative enough to write my own unless I have to, which I did with Blink's because she has no cards:)