Withnail Links And My Other Favourite Films

Other Withnail Sites On The Web

Although generally laking in Withnail And I web pages on the internet there are are few which stand out and desereve a look at. I have included these as pages which I have enjoyed and used as inspiration for my own page. You can obviously use a search engine to find Withnail pages but generally you will only come up with some bleak review or a random mention somewhere on somebodies page.

Adam Hopkinson's page is very brief but includes a nice review and "That Quote" as he so puts it.
Go take a look at his home page

This page is very very funny indeed. It is a piss take of Shakespear and Withnail (Shakespear & I). Read it now, and whilst you are there read the rest of his pages as they are pretty damned funny too.
Visit Professor X's pages now!

Okay then, you`ve had enough of Withnail huh. Never! But still heres two other films which I like to watch inbetween bouts of Withnail. I wont go into detail about the films as this is not a site dedicated to them, I`ll leave that up to the people who's links I add.

Okay, firstly because I am English obviously I haven't seen this film (and if you believe that you`ll believe anything)

Go visit Christian Lund's page for a great overview of the film (and he's a fellow Geocitizen!)

A true classic in every sense of the word. Would modern day science fiction be the same without this masterpiece? Who knows, what I do know though is that although it is now over 70 years old it has truly stood the test of time

I couldn't even begin to compete with The Metropolis Home Page Go there now!

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