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Updated 2-11-01

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I have been watching All My Children since 1971. I was a freshman in college then and it was the IN thing to watch. Everyone did. I have watched the characters grow, seen them come and go, missed some and glad that others were gone.

Some of my favorite characters have been, Tad (of course), Jenny, Tara, Philip, Donna, Benny, Adam, and Dixie.


David is successful in saving Vanessa's life and when she wants to tell Derek about Hayley, Adam shuts her up. Hayley does tell Derek about what happened but Adam tries to take the blame and they both get arrested. Mateo figures out that Arlene really is still alive after bringing Hayley back to her senses and flies off to bring her back and clear Hayley. Sara comes to Bianca after leaving her husband, only for Bianca to discover that Sara has relapsed into anorexia and she asks Erica for help. Gillian doesn't know what to do about being pregnant, Jake has threatened to stop the divorce if she doesn't see a doctor and take care of his child. She runs off and Jake tells Ryan Gillian is pregnant with his child. Leslie drugs Tad with Libidizone and he gets sick and goes to Jake for help. That's about it for this week. Tell me what you think.

My Opinion

Where is a good story for Tad and what are they doing to the best daytime couple on TV? Why does AMC insist on breaking up people who everyone love. Tad and Dixie are the best and they should create a good story for the two of them together. Well, enough of my ranting....Tell me what you think......

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