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Top 10
Second 10
Shows 21-30
Shows 31-40
Show 41-50
Shows 51-60
The Bottom 13

For centuries, man has debated what is the best show on TV.  And now, here is the definitive list.  Well, not really...

I've compiled this list based upon collected reviews, Nielson popularity, and overall good towards mankind.  I'm sure there will be disagreements with some of these selctions.  (I'm sure my take on Ally McBeal and even Spin City will be unpopular.)  But I stand by the numbers.

Since the creation of this list, some of the shows have gone on hiatus or have been outright cancelled.  Hopefully, some of the lesser shows will follow in their footsteps.

Note to Buffy Fans:  Since I don't have cable, it is impossible for me to see any shows on either the WB or UPN.  Therefore, I didn't mix them into the rankings.   Even if I had, only Buffy and Dilbert would have escaped the bottom of the barrel.


Section I: The Dynamic Decathalon

These shows epitomize the best TV has to offer. The older shows in this group have already claimed their stake as some the best in TV History, and the newer ones are well on their way.

Section II: The Hits

These shows, while they may not be headed toward immortality, they are constantly good and are worth tuning in because they are so darn entertaining. The thin line between elite and mere hit is vague. Doubtless, others would feel that some of these belong in the elite category. That’s what makes opinions so fun to express. Here then are the shows that may not live forever, but will easily suffice for now.

Section III: The Workhorses

Some of these are old favorites. Some are slight disappointments that were expected to be better. A couple are impressively done trash. Either way, mediocrity reigns here.

Section IV. The Truly Mediocre

Shows 31-40
Shows 41-50

These shows constitute the bulk of what’s on TV.  Years from now, the only reason people will remember these shows may be because they worked on them. None of these shows are remotely interesting. If you’re looking for a reason in the rise of cable’s popularity, here they are.

Section V:    The Dredge

Why are these shows still on?  Because they are either entrenched in the audience's mind, or there is simply no viable replacement waiting in the wings.  Shows like these are the ones that give TV a bad name.

Section VI:    The Abhorrent

Quick!  Get these shows off the air!  They are destroying our culture and poisoning our minds.  This is truly the worst of the worst.  If your choice is between watching these shows and being burned alive, choose the latter.