Tyra's Info

  • Tyra Banks Picture Gallery!!

  • Up Close and Personal...

               Date of Birth (Age): Unknown at moment (24)
               Place of Birth: Unknown
               Maritial Status: Single
               Height: 5'11"
               Eyes: Very light brown
               Hair: Brown 
               Occupation: Model / Actress

    Tyra is a resident of Los Angeles, California. She graduated from highschool and, though planning to attend Loyola Marymount University, was directed into modeling. The rest is supermodel history. Tyra was once hevily involved with super director John Singlton. A love affair which most believe landed her the role in "Higher Learning", Tyra had already appeared on the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" and her performance in "Higher Learning" supported the fact that she has talent. By the way she ws lasted reported to be dating the Singer Seal.
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