Poison Ivy

Real Name: Pamela Lillian Isley
Dual Identity: Known
Current Occupation: Adventurer
Former Occupation: Botanist
Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington
Marital Status: Single
Usual Base of Operations: Gotham City
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown/Red
Superhuman Powers: She carries toxins in her blood stream that make her touch deadly and allow her to be immune to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. She also has displayed a power of charm, which puts people under her influence. Ivy also possesses the power to make plant life do as she wishes.
Source of Powers: Experiments conducted upon her by Jason Woodrue (Floronic Man)
Special Skills: Ivy is a very intelligent botanist and may know just about everything to do with plants, especially hybrids. She is also capable of creating many different types of poisons. Ivy is skilled in unarmed and armed combat, she also is skilled at using a blowpipe, vine whip, cross-bow, and throwing darts.
Weapons: has been known to carry a cross-bow and a vine whip which she also has used as a lasso. At times, the vine has had thorns on it. She also occasionally uses hand thrown and blowpipe launched poisoned darts.
First Appearence: Batman #181, June 1966


Ok...I know this is just a simple bio...but I hope to soon have some more background info on Ivy and a little about her motives. If you have any information that you feel could be added here, or anything about her background and what motivates her to do what she does that you feel I should write something about...email me! I'd really appreciate all the info I can get! Thanks.

Poison Ivy and all related characters are property and copyrighted to DC Comics.
copyright 1996 Poison Ivy
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