Dune Links!
Links to other cool Dune-related material
Gilmore's is probably the most comprehensive Dune site on the web. It combines pictures and sound files with other documents
like movie scripts and interviews with actors from Lynch's Dune. A very high-quality Dune site.
This cool Dune page features a 3-D rendered worm emerging from the sands of Dune, as well as various sounds, pictures and an
HTML link to the Dune news group.
This Dune site has a cool picture of the Dune video box, a map of Arrakis, and an HTMLized version of the "Terminology of the Imperium"
Appendix found in the first Dune book.
Arrakis: No Ordinary Dune FAQ
Unlike many Dune home pages, this one is much more than just pictures, sounds and links. The author has incorportaed some inventive exploration
of the planet Arrakis, as well as the opportunity to learn about the history of House Atreides, sandworms, the Spice, and many other subjects.
Definitely worth a visit.
This site has a cool letterhead and neat shields of House Atreides, but unfortunately there is little actual Dune material at this page. Aside from
a few sounds, this site just has links to other sites entitled Maker Hooks, and other things of the sort, but they aren't Dune related. Still, it's worth
a quick look-see.
Page created by: Robin Dunn
Changes last made on: September 29, 1996