The Moore Kids

(The Ninny's Babies Homepage)


First, we have Adam Perry Moore, born 4/7/98 at 7:28 p.m. He weighed in at a chunky 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 20 inches long. This particular picture was taken when he was two days old and he's just as cute as he looks! His hair is curly and medium blond and he's just adorable! Am I being objective? Oh, absolutely!!!!

Here he is asleep. Isn't he just the cutest thing?


This is Jessica Catherine-Noel Moore, better known as Tottie. She's two years old and her birthday is 12/24/95. She's our little Christmas present. She loves Barbie dolls and Pooh bears and she's just starting to talk. Every time her new baby brother cries, she runs for the nearest adult yelling "Beebee-soo-cry-ded". That's "The baby's crying" in Tot-speak. Isn't she just the cutest thing you ever saw?


And finally, here's Brandon James Moore, better known as BooBoo. If Tottie is our Christmas present, this is our little devil. His birthday is 7/16/94 and he's going to be 4 years old this summer. His favorite thing in the universe is dinosaurs of every size and shape. He probably has more dinosaurs in his room than any kid alive. He's also quite partial to "win-a-wins" - those goofy maze thingies that you find in kids' coloring books, and "moo-ies" (movies in Boo-speak). That's my boy!!!!!

Here's BooBoo and Tottie giving each other a hug.

Pretty neat, huh? Well, I'm their grandmother, so I think so. These pictures are very recent, by the way. They were just taken on 4/9 and 4/10/98. Check back here every once in a while and I'll put up new ones for anybody who's interested.