I don't know if you got here from my main Elvira page or not, but this page is dedicated to images of Elvira. There are images from her comic books, some original artwork of Elvira, as well as some photos, including some you aren't likely to find elsewhere, as I took them! Most of the comic book images are from her recent comic with Claypool Comics, and if you haven't picked those up, you are really missing out. If you can't locate them in your area, you can email them at Elvira Comics and they may be able to help you out. So, download to your heart's content, and let me know if you like what you saw here!

Click on the thumbnail to get the full size picture.


Elvira signing autographs
Elvira at Disneyworld
Elvira cross-stitch


Click here for my page of images from Elvira's comic book adventures.

Glad you came by. If you would like to go back to my main Elvira page, then go back and don't be a stranger. Come back and visit again.

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