This is a list of films that I would consider and complete crap*sm* These are the kinda films that should never make it to the big screen and, if they do, i don't think i would ever waste my money and go and see them! and the sad thing is... i actually went and saw these films
Any suggestions i would love to hear them! *sm* just drop me a line!

NOTE: i would just like to reinforce the fact that these are strictly my own biased opinion, they are in no way trying to damage your credability as the viewer if i slaughter your favorite film, just deal with it, i don't wanna be inundated with threatening mail..TA! *SM*


Apollo 13 (this film was just SO boring!!?? by the time they had reached the bloody moon it was long enough! little did i realise, they had to come ALL the way back again!!)

Austin Powers (now, i know a lot of people out there thought this film was brilliant... thought it was EXTREMELY funny... i guess i must have had my brain switched on or something... cos it just made me sick... i mean... he was just repulsive...)

Body Count (now this film just personifies BAD acting, BAD storyline and tacky horror... I spent the whole movie picking who was going to die next... it was good for a laugh though...)

Con Air (now this was a BAD film... the only saving grace was John Malcovich and maybe John Cusack... all i have to say is... how bloody long does it take to kill off a bad guy!?!?!?)

The Cable Guy (I have never really been that great a fan of Jim Carey...but this film just topped it off... it was appalling, i never knew a man could define annoying behaviour to such a fine art, i don't think it's something one should be proud of...)

Dante's Peak (I think this film has to be my all time hated film... it was so bad.. acting was terrible, story line was non existant, the volcano was good for like 5 minutes then it lost it's appeal... i was stunned that people actually found this movie 'tense' in any way, shape or form!)

Dumb and Dumber (to me, this film just empitomises obsenity... it's revolting... i mean that scene in the toilet??? i'm sorry...but it's just not in my taste...)

Face/Off (this film had alot of had a REALLY good idea...but it just didn't...mesh well... i dunno, was just bloody annoying, especially the shooting scenes where they just went on and on and on and on... and the stand off on the boat...AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Game (okay...this was an AMAZING idea...and it was a pretty good film...up till the end... i'm sorry...but if someone fucked around with my brain that much,i would probably kill them... or at least myself...)

GreatExpectations(i don't know if i didn't like this film or not... but i'm sure that i'll be inclined to say i didn't once i have thought about it more... it was kinda... i dunno... weak... and the end was WRONG! it's not spose to end like that...haven't they SEEN the original?!?!?!)

Independance Day (*sigh* what can i say... a film that only has it's effects going for it cannot hold strong! It was just so....wrong! And the American corniess of the whole thing REALLY got to me, i mean the 'Independance day' speech *wretch* excuse me while i go throw up!!!! geez...)

King Pin (i don't know why they even thought about making a film like this...i mean it was so didn't even have much of a story, acting was terrible and it was just painful to watch and it was full of a lot of bullshit... in other words it SUX)

Liar, Liar (now by the stage that this film came out, the Jim Carey factor was WAY beyond a joke... Ace Ventura was was the mask...but there's only a certain amount of idiotic behaviour that can come out of one guy and still remain original and funny... this movie had the tiniest bit of potential...but it definately did not work with it...)

Man In The Iron Mask (I didn't think it was possible...but i was proved wrong... if the director and script is crap enough,it can make people like Jeremy Irons,Gabrielle Burn and the rest look REALLY horrible... it was painful to watch ... i disliked how everything seemed to fit so right...everyone was connected somehow,it was almost incestual... anyway,i feel less a person for seeing it...and i thank the projectionist who screwed it up at the climax to make it just a little bit more bareable...)

Money Train (the only decent thing about this bloody movie was the fact that Wesely Snipes is rather fine... other than that it was boring, tedious and stupid... it seemed they spent FOREVER getting to the fact that they were gonna knock off the train and then once they did it was a MAJOR anti climax...and i also REALLY dislike Woody Harelson, he was good in Cheers..but that's about it...)

Pet Semetary 2 (okay..the first one was bad enough - i watch 15 minutes of it and gave was baaaaaaaaasd - but this sequal just bled the idea dry... okay, i sadly admit i watched this film at least 5 times..but hey! i was young! i liked Edward Furlong! so sue me! anyway, just for the record...i did think the Pet Semetary book was great)

Rushmore (this film got RAVE reviews...all i wanna know is...WHY!??!?! it was almost there..but not... it was about a kid who was spose to be a great playwrite...huh? his plays sucked...but maybe that was the point...they were spose to...oh i don't know... i was lost that's for sure.. i could tell that it was spose to have this air of pretension and wankiness over a simple love story...but was shit... now i understand why my friend walked out half way through...)

Thinner (this is a Stephen King film that is recently out on video... my vid man gave this to me when it was a preview tape so it didn't cost me anything...hmmmm... basically it sucked... i'm sure it made a good book but as a film, it sucked... the acting was bad... though, it did have a good ending i must say...)

Titanic (okay... i grant you that this was a spectacular film...and yes it used to be in my list of favorites... but the more i thought about it, the less i liked it... that'll teach me to think about a film now won't it!!! I was just pissed off when it took away all those academy's just rooted...*SM*)

Water World (this is another of those films where the woman just pissed me off and made the experience that much more unbearable. Kevin Costner was once good in the days of Bull Durum and the like, now i just think it's all one big waste of money...)