May/June 99 Result
April 99 Result
February/March 99 Result


May/June 1999

** Best Rangers Costume **

...and the winner is :  Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (17 votes from total of 55 votes)
....the second place : Power Rangers In Space (14 votes)
....the third place : Alien Rangers of Aquitar (7 votes)

Ever since the Mighty Morphin power rangers came up I was about nine years old butthen they started putting the turbo and the space ones and they lost alot of kids intrest. I think so because all of my friends and I used to love the power rangers as in tommy, jason, kimberly, triny, billy, and zac. But now they started putting different ones and they messed them up. 
- Erica

they are the best because they are better actors than the others
- Paige Richardson

it just is
- care goldin

because i've always liked the original power rangers better than all the others. 
- Maryanne Mowry

I feel that the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers costume is the best out of them all because they are the original stuff.  I feel that it was more interesting back than. I thought every thing was cool from the teens, command center, Zordon, Alpha and the zords.  The very first zords needed some more work on them but other than that it was cool.  I never had a problem with the orignal Power Rangers and I probably never will.  I still watch the show and enjoy it but I still miss some of my all time favorite rangers like Zack, Jason, Tommy, Adam, Kimberly, Aisha, Billy, Katheine, T.J., and Carlos.  But time has moved on and I hope all younger children will experince the fun and excitement of Power Rangers as I did.
- Chanzo Tambuzi

Because The Original costumes were simple yet still atractive
- Kimberly Oliver

Because all the rest are just totallly stupid looking, except In Space, but I can't stand Carlos. I think Adam needs to come back because he is God. And yeah. The original costumes are the best.
- Kelley 

It is because the robots of the power rangers is very cool.
- Alvin Tong

I liked most the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers because the stories were better and because I liked most of all Austib St.John. He is too perfect!
- George

Best actors, greatest action.
 -Batul Juma

Because it is the original and the most unique.
- Kim Lane

the ninja costumes are cool.
-No name

Because they have the coolest helmets!
- Becca
The suit just has a lot of stilish looks.
- Miles Kendziorski

All the other ones are almost the same but these are way different!!!
- Kyle

It is good.
- Cong Khanh Ngyen

It is the only set of costumes with a female white ranger.
- Eclipter7

They have different colores and there helmets are cool!-
- No Name

I have always liked the zeo's costumes and I loved the cast.
- Steve Watts

Golden highlights, slick, and stylish!
- Kristina

Because Tommy was in it
- No Name

because the have really cool helmats and the coolest designs
- Bhumin

My friend's nickname is turbo. I like the zords. I like TJ as the red ranger.
- Samuel Williamson

They have just the right amount of designs on them.
- Jessica

They're cool...
- Joe Smith

I think it's very sporty and besides my baby johnny said it was his favorite series
- cheree

I think that the team costumes from Power Rangers In Space are cool because their suits show all the colors of each ranger, especially the same color that the 1 power ranger is wearing. 
- Jeff Monahan

Because they have the coolest uniforms, they don't run with their arms out sideways like they do on Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, and they have the best Rangers like Andros and Zhane. These two rule. 
- Natalie

Well to me the coolest costume is the space rangers costumes. Because the style of the costume and the decarations on them are neat to, the first power ranger costumes were cool because of the helmets the alien p.r suits were o.k,p.r lost galaxy, not to be mean or anything but all my freinds think it the costumes look old and out of style.
- Duy Tran

I don't know! I just like them.
- Grace Tung

You get caught in the middle.  I mean Andros' sister is evil.  It's great!
- Katlyn Marie Lindsey

It's simplicity gives it a lot of credit, and also, the helmet designs for each ranger seem very similar, but  actually have considerable difference on closer inspection. The Zeo and Lost Galaxy costumes are simply TOO fancy, with too much detail, while the Alien Rangers costume doesn't really capture the true spirit of the rangers. While the Mighty Morphin and Turbo costumes are also fantastic, I believe the Space costumes are the best, because they present a very modern, simple, and stylistic Power Ranger.
- Richard Foreman

The Power Rangers in Space suit is AWSOME! And to quote Patricia Ja Lee (Cassie), "the space suit is simple yet flashy in its neo-70s disco nostalgia."  :)

 I just think it is a better outfit than the rest.
- L.P.

Because they are so powerful and I like the red battlizer ranger too. I even have a club of it. My sister don't like it becuase she say they're ugly.
- Michael HE

Coolest design
- Michael

Just Because
- Kim

i don't know why because i just do  
- sam munro


April 1999

** Best Series **

...and the winner is :  Power Rangers in Space (10 votes from total of 27 votes)
....the second place : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (9 votes)
....the third place : Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy (6 votes)

It had a special kind of fun and action that wasn't in the others, sure it was cheesy, but 
when it comes down to it, aren't all things? In my opinion they shouldn't of changed things now the show is just so much more silly.
I mean look at batman, his all around image hasn't changed and look at him, he's a classic!
New weapons, okay, but this changin zords
over and over gets annoying especially when they axe the cool zords (Dino Zords)
- Zach Campbell

simpily put, Tommy and Jason rule
- Adam  Dobbs

Longest running, best plot lines, best rangers!!!
- Jason

Because it's the original, you can't beat that. It was the first time we met the Power Rangers, and I thought more people could connect or understand them.
- Allison

they were the originall rangers and the best group of teenagers !!!!!!!
 - korina

because it is a lot smarter than the rest of them. Plus they have a better cast.
- Elizabeth Manoar

it was original , none of these spinoffs can compare to the original.
- pootie tang

Because the best one was there KIM!!!!!
- ted

because this serie is my prefer
- nick
Johnny Yong Bosch was in that series!!!
 - Shufan

Because this is my favorite serie and this is the most fantastic serie I have ever watched
- Rodolpho Filho
  dont know just do. ashley and andros and because its better then the last 2.
- sian 

This is my favorite Power Rangers Show. I really like the characters. 
 - Katie Farrell

It has the coolest power!
 - Someone

it is a cool serie with andros t.j. carlos it cool!!!!!!!!
- No name

- No name

Because I know alot about them, and the
the actors/actresses and villains 
are good, and I watch it all the time!
- Minyan Wang

because it is the first power ranger series that shows us the link between us and people from other plants.
- Miriam Wnuk

- Astronema

The Power Rangers in Space cast was the best and the plot was very cool
- Dat Tran


- Alex Conway

because of the characters.
- sam munro

Because there new!
- Chelsea

February/March 1999

** Best Martial Artist **

...and the winner is : Jason David Frank (18 votes from total of 31 votes)
....the second place : Blake Foster (5 votes)
....the third place : Johnny Yong Bosch (4 votes)

Tommy Jason Rocky Adam Justin T.J.
He has been training since he was 4 and cares so much about teaching and passing on the tradition and the art of Karate and other forms of martial arts. 

he is incrediable in everything he does. jason is a born natural talent and cute
-No Name

 he just is!!!

because he has his owd dojo!!!!!
he rocks man!!!!
-No name

I believe Jason David Frank has the most experience out of all of them in many different martial arts..

because i think he is great

 -Alexandra Silcox

because he is cute.

he's perfect and kim's boyfriend too
and i love him
-No name

His moves are great. He has lots of talent.
His jump kicks are really awesome!!!!
-E. W.

He has a lot more experience on martial arts than the other's!
I think he shouldn't have left the Power Rangers, cause without him the Power Rangers are no longer fun!
I think "Tommy" and "Kim", should, must, be back on the Power Rangers!
I have some very good ideas!  If you guys wanna hear E-mail me! Jason David Frank "Tommy" is the best martial artist because my brother is the ultimate Puwer Rangers fan and is just in love with "Tommy"!!! That's why I think Jason David Frank should win every award offered to him!!!

He's very strong.
-Jay Seo

He has done more than all the other 
rangers in everything in the martial 
arts, and he comes back from behind to win again, ALWAYS! 


Austin has a unique fighting style that
no one could fight like. Austin also is strong and could hurt his enemy badly by
his fighting style
-No name

I think he is the best because he has been studying martial arts for a while and I think that he is WAY cuter than the others.
-Paige Richardson

He got nice moves. He is faster and makes great kicks.
-No name

- because i said so

Coz hes good in martial arts and he has the ability that he posses that nobody can get it from him.And besides he's cute and nice guy!
-Margie Benitez

He has the agilty and speed plus he can do the side flip thing.
Because I Like Justin The Blue Turbo Ranger.
-David Sanders-Zakre

Blake simply rules my world and makes my thing tingle...I'm shy...
-No name

because he is so powerful and fast

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