What?? Philosophy?? Isn't that a Greek thing? I thought this page was about Larisa? Well, it is--still. I'm just adding a little twist. Yes, philosophy may have originated with the Greeks, but it runs in my line too apparently :) ... What can I say? I like to think a lot. Besides, this is unique to this particular Larisa page. I may not have my own server, or cool My Girl background music, or a chat room, or a fan club, or even Larisa's endorsement. But I got this. No one's ever thought of this before!!!

Allright. Here's how this goes. This is going to be a continously updated section. I will continue to add philosophies to this page as long as I have it or until I lose interest.

Please note that these are all completely my thoughts and I in no way am trying to hurt anyone's feelings. Also, some of the info in here is made up in order to put some things in a realistic context. If you're a true Larisa fan, you'll know what's true and what's not. Anything made up is not major. I just need a background for some stuff. This is in no way supposed to be biographical of anyone.

Philosophy 1: Larisa In Context
Philosophy 2: A Coinicidinc??
Coming Soon...


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