Learning Curve

Okay, Everything that is not mine is Marvels -- ie Generation X and all of the characters there. Salome is my own creation and this is all in good fun okay, so please don't sue me!!


Part One

Salome looked at the map. The she turned it over. The she turned it over again. She tried to make some sense out of the directions that the school had sent her. Apparently they weren’t used to having people drive up; the directions were great – once she got to the airport. In Boston, a huge city with a lot of roads, it was really easy to get lost. She had already been bad and made a pit stop at the Bull & Finch to buy a Cheers sweater (the bag was right next to her) and that had been her downfall. She had gotten off the directions and was now quite lost.

Since all of her worldly possessions were in the car with her, Salome didn’t want to stop. So she kept driving till she finally found a sign directing her to the airport – and a traffic jam. Salome put the car in park and pulled a letter out of the glove compartment.

Miss Xenar,

It has some to my attention that you have special talents that could be of use in our school. Please consider spending a semester student teaching with us, and getting to know us. We will work out the details. Thank you.

Emma Frost and Sean Cassidy, Headmasters

Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.

Salome wondered how they had discovered her power. She didn’t glow or read minds or anything fun. But if there was a chance they could help her, than maybe this would be worth it. Besides, how hard could teaching be? She was blasted from her thoughts by a car horn blaring. She put her Neon in gear and drove. The exits were clearly marked, and she found herself driving though beautiful countryside.


Emma looked out the window of her office. This Salome was almost an hour late. Emma hoped she hadn’t gotten into any trouble. Boston was a big city, and confusing as hell to drive through. Sean came in. "Any word?" he asked.

"No. But we should probably tell the children that she’s coming"

"Yuir probably right" Cassidy smiled. This could be interesting. He found all of Generation X hanging out in the rec room, doing whatever. He cleared his throat. "I have an announcement," he said. All the heads in the room turned to look at the headmaster.

"What another new kid" Jubilee asked.

"No. A new teacher" Cassidy answered. Several mouths dropped open, only Monet kept her calm, and Paige reacted with delight. "Really? Who is she?"

"Her name is Miss Salome Xenar," this was greeted by a few snickers, especially from the male members. "And she is student teaching here for a semester, and we are hoping she will stay full time."

"Is she a mutant?" Asked Angelo.

"Yes, of course. We are going to talk with her about also joining the team, of course –" Cassidy was interrupted by a message from Emma

Cassidy met Frost at the door, followed by most of Gen X. Parked in front of the door was a tiny red Neon crammed to the gills with everything conceivable. "Boy she doesn’t travel light" Jubilee cracked.

Emma thought at her. She went outside.

Salome pulled up to a large gate in a brick wall. Driveway extended for a long way after the gate. The brass plaque in the wall read "Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters" "Oh my," she thought.

There was a buzzer by the gate. Salome pressed it. "Hello?" she said.

"Yes?" came a voice. "Hi I’m Salome Xenar. I’m looking for a," she checked the letter "Emma Frost?"

"I am she. Park in front of the main house." The gates swung open. Salome gulped and drove down the road until she came to a mansion-like building with several smaller buildings and an atrium in the back. She stopped the car and got out. A woman with platinum blond hair and wearing – well not much had just come out the door to meet her. "Must be this Frost woman – it fits," she thought. came a voice in her head. Oh shit.

The woman looked at her and gave no indication that she had just been inside Salome’s head. "Hello, Salome. Welcome to Xavier’s."


To be continued

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