Teacher's Pet

OKAY Disclaimer time. Duncan, Richie, Amanda and Joe are not mine, They are the property of Davis/Panzer. Sonya, Marlene and anyone are mine, and may not be used without my permission. Comments/Flames/etc can be sent to Me at the end. I started out writing this in script form and changed over in the middle. Sorry.

Part 1

Act 1

Scene 1

Fade In

A college dorm room. The camera pans across various female-college-dorm articles -- Clothes strewn about, books scattered on the floor. The clacking of a computer keyboard is heard in the background. As the camera comes up to the desk, we see SONYA. She is seated at the computer, claking away and moving the mouse. As the camera closes in, we can see the screen, and realize she is surfing the Internet. She clicks a few random links, and comes to a web browser. She types in "spies and networks" She is looking for James Bond - Get Smart type pages. She comes up to a long list of pages. We watch as she closes her eyes and picks one at random, while the page loads there is a knock at he door, It is MARLENE, her friend.

Sonya: It's open!

(Marlene enters)

Marlene: Are you ready yet? (Looks at computer) Get off that silly thing! Carl's party awaits! We've been here two days, and already get invited to a party, and all you want to do is. . .

Sonya: Okay. (Turns to the screen, where the watcher symbol has appeared in full-screen glory, along with a password prompt). Whoa!! Funky!! I kinda like it, hang on, lemme print it out!

Marlene: Cool. Hey, look at that!! Think you can get in?

Sonya: Hmm, I guess we can try. (Looks at Marlene) What about the party?

Marlene: Well. . . . I guess we can be fashionably late. . . It'll just be starting

Sonya laughed. "You just can't resist a good hack. You're as bad as I am -- Admit it!! She turned back to the screen, and downsized the Netscape window. She found the icon she was looking for, a codebreaker program she had written. Sonya told the computer what to do and clicked on go. The machine thought for a moment. Sonya broght the Netscape window back to full size. Tha machine ran a program and a name and password came up on the scren JDAWSON and password MACLEOD. Sonya looked at Marlene. "We're in" She hit enter, waiting for the fireworks that never came. Instead, she found a message board page, where there were a huge amount of messages in the archive. "Shit. All that work for this? Move it to usenet."

Marlene leaned forward. Hey, look at this! Read the message, it's really strange."

"Darin and Janaria battled last nigh, Janaria too the quikening. Details later. Sorry, all." ALARIEA

That's kind of queer. Sounds like a code or something. Looks like you came up blanks on this one, Sonya. Let's go, the party awaits.

Sonya bookmarked the page before she shut off the machine.

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