In Memorium

This page is dedicated to some special loved ones of mine who are no longer with us. I hope I won't have to continue to update this page. Too many people have succummed to cancer, it is a horrible disease that takes many beautiful people.

If you have lost a loved one from cancer and would like their name to be added to this page, please e-mail me.

Laura "Cricket" Dunn Patricia Mudryk Cindy Karlovitz David L. Weddle

Listen to Amazing Grace in real audio
Listen to Amazing Grace in wave format

Resurrection Prayer

Most merciful Father, we commend our departed into your hands.
We are filled with the sure hope that our departed will rise again
on the Last Day with all who have died in Christ. We thank you for
all the good things you have given during our departed's earthly life.
O Father, in your great mercy, accept our prayer that the Gates of Paradise
may be opened for your servant. In our turn, may we too be comforted by the
words of faith until we greet Christ in glory and are united with you and our
Through Christ our lord.

This page dedicated in loving memory to...Fuidie D'Amore
