Listen to Our Words

We talk to someone then and now.
We talk to them until they die
and they never die.
We are one soul and we have always been
and will always be.
Talk to us and see for yourselves.
Talk to us and see your start
and your continue
but you never end.
Talk to us until you die
then talk to us some more.
Because to die is to live.
And to live is to learn.
Talk to us and learn our secrets
which were never meant to be secrets.
Talk to us and see what we've seen
and will see again.
Talk to us until you see that life is precious
and goes on and on.
Talk to us today for we are you
and we love you.
Talk to us today for to see your tomorrow is your destiny.
Talk to us today for we will show you
your yesterday and tomorrow
for your benefit.
Talk to us today until you see what we're trying to give you.
Then talk with us some more, to learn more.
Believe in yourself, and we will be there for you.
Until you see what we are trying to say
don't fear us, but trust us.
Trust in yourself and we will be there.

Copyright 1998; Valleri Dalton
As told to her by the Angels.

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