77 Simpsons Extravaganza
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Welcome to 77 Simpsons extravaganza

I have 150 episodes on tape. I have scanned them all for the best sound wavs. Because of the usage on my page, I can't display them all. If you would like a wav, email me and I'll send it to you. It may take a while, depending on the wav

Argh!! Homer stepped on the image!! Could anything survive such massive weight? Nope


Picture Gallery(Thumbnail for fast loading) My Favorite Simpson Pics(If there's one thing on this entire page I want you to see, this is it) Trivia(If you know these... YOU HAVE NO LIFE!) Character Ranking(60 Simpson Characters all with sound wavs. of famous quotes) Movies(Over 50 moments to cherrish forever...) Moe's Prank Call's(Staple a flag to your but and maiul you to Iran?) Webchat(Chat with other Simpson freaks) Couch Openings(How it all starts....) Chalkboard writings(Come see the literature of Bart Simpso!) Biography of Me(Find out about the person behind the screen) Mailing List(Join the mailing list, or Nelson will kick the @#!$ out of you) Where is Springfield? Ever wondered where Springfield is? An interesting theory compiled by Dace Hall Kent Brockman's List of gay people Are you on this list? Homer's mmmm'sHomer's thoughts on Iotola

Links(Rated on the highly exclusive Barney System)

Simpsons Links(Also rated on the Barney System)

This Week's Sound waves of the week....Apu and Barney!!!

"Silly customer... you cannot hurt a twinky!!"

"Thank you for coming.. I'll see you in hell!!"


"We want Chillywilly!! We want Chilly Willy!!"

The famous Barney Burp

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Email me at xcat7@aol.com with any comments, suggestions, or just questions about the little yellow people. People with Simpson pages can leave their address and I'll supply a link to your page. 

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DISCLAIMER: All images, sounds and related material are copyrighted by the Fox Broadcasting Corporation. This web site is not affiliated with FOX in any means and its purposes are solely for entertainment.