Hi! Welcome to my page of perfectly simple little thoughts!
This is my little corner to just screw around :)

Been Awhile
It's been a while. Years even, yeesh. I still have a planted
tank, went reef (saltwater) for awhile, I'm out of that right
now. Today's thought: You work and you die. Gah.

Tank Talk Take Two
Well, I found my African Butterflyfish
today. He had disappeared three days ago, and I had assumed
he'd went the way of the dinosaur. Well, he did, in a manner
of speaking....I found him today, next to the tank, totally
dried out. Talk about your fish chips. ;(

Broken Hearted
Am I the only one who out there who was totally
just sick when, during the 6th Zerg mission of
Starcraft: Broodwar -You were ordered to kill
Fenix?? FENIX!?! -And, was I also the only one
who (after destroying everyone else on the map,
including Edmund Duke) -just sat there, 12+
Hydralisks just out of Fenix's sight, grinding
my teeth? Oy. *sniff* That totally sucked.

Love Smells Funny
Well, my quaker parakeet threw up
on me today. It was totally gross, but I read somewhere
that birds feed their mates that way, so I didn't smack
him....but it was really, really gross.

Lions and Tigers and Bears! oh my!
Guess what! My uncle (who lives in LaPine)
says there was a cougar spotted not far
from his house!! Neat, huh? (except when
they eat your dog... ;) AND! They hear
Coyote howling all the time. Perty neat,
considering the closest thing around here
like that is the sounds of the neighbor's
dogs ******* out back. ;-P I'm so deprived. :)

Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts
If I hear ONE MORE WORD about Y2K I
will explode into a great gore pile. It has to be
the stupidest media crapfest I have ever seen. Makes
me sick. Why don't they go hound Dan Quail again for
a while?? Give us all a rest! Yeesh! ;P

Al Gore's Crowning Acheivement
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the
initiative in creating the Internet." -Heh. okaaaayyyyy...;)
(come on! Do they really think we are that stupid??
Or......could it be.....there isn't so much as an atom of
intelligence amoung them?? could be.... ;P

Oh Yuck
I went to clean out the Bathroom garbage
today. It wouldn't have been so bad, but
we went on a 3 week vacation to the coast
and it didn't get dumped...and there are 4
females of breeding age in the house. eww.

Deep thought of the year:
Remember those things that you grab and rip off
and stick in your mouth and they melt?? Weren't
those things great?? I can't find 'em anymore.
I think the Dari-mart down Centenial needs to
stock them.

Tank Talk
I got a fifty-five gallon tank yesterday.
I set it all up; now I have to buy fish!
But what fish? Kulis?? Kribs? Angelfish?
Some kind of cichlid maybe? I have a Jack Damsey
in my twenty gallon tall tank right now...man is he nasty!

I have a brown algae problem in it (the damsey tank)
so I bought 2 golden chinese algae eaters (yeah, I know
they are nasty snots when they get big, but I figured
the damsey was nasty enough to fight it off...) and stuck.
them in my tank. I come back 10 minutes later, and
my damsey has a fish tail sticking out of his mouth!
That beast owes me three bucks!

Quote from my Aunt Carolyn:
"Stupid fish dying all the time!
You might as well buy'm and go home
and throw them in the trash!"
(High ph problems)

Pssst.....Faye and Dad are watching TV in RL.
Enjoy! :)

*They see a commercial talking about Keiko the Killer Whale*

Faye: That's cool, how he got saved.

Dad: Yeah. Imagine living in the bathroom all your life.

Faye: Before or after Grandpa's been in it?

Dad: *Winces* After.

Faye: Oh yuck.

Dad: Did you hear he's gotten horny?

Faye: Grandpa's gotten horny? Gross!

Dad: No! Not Grandpa! Keiko! The Killer Whale!

Faye: Oh... Keiko's getting horny?

Dad: He's been bumping his trainers and slamming
up against the glass windows.

Faye: *Looks skeptical*

Dad: It's true! *Starts flipping the channel*

Faye: Hey! I was watching that!

Dad: Sorry...*Starts flipping it back*

Faye: Wait! Go forward!

Dad: *Flips the channel forward* ...Speak of the Devil...

The show is talking about how they found Keiko's family
and were recording them using an underwater microphone
and playing it back to Keiko.

Dad: Neat!

Faye: Well that's it!

Dad: *Looks over at her*

Faye: They're sticking that microphone in his tank
and they don't even know what it's saying!

Dad: Ohhhhh...

Faye: For all we know it could be a recording of a female
Killer Whale singing *In high-pitched squeaky voice*
Skreeeewww meeee! Skreeeewww meee!

Dad: *Laughs*

finis :)

I finally got to see Keiko!
See, I live only a two hour's drive away
(Yeah I know...he's been there almost a year-
(or HAS it been a year??) -and it takes me
THAT long to see him???) Well anyways...the
admission was $8.50 and .... I kinda hate to
say this.... but it really wasn't worth it.

Don't get me wrong!!!
He's a cool Orca, but you really have to be
lucky to see him! The problem is, he has three
tanks, all seperated, and you can only see into
one of them.

They don't have any surface viewing, because:
QUOTE: "Keiko is retired from being an entertainer" UNQUOTE
(...and I kinda agree with that, considering his past
treatment.)That means that he isn't required to show
up when there are people present, and he often doesn't.

We had to wait half an hour for him to show up,
and then the only reason he did was because his
trainer feed him in the viewing tank. And he didn't
do much at all...and when his trainer was done
feeding him, he went back into his other tank,
so you couldn't see him. To the right is an actual
picture. He's upside-down on the trainer's request
-he's not dead :) - and being feed by the trainer
That's all he did. Didn't swim around or anything,
and when he was done eating, he left. Finis.

However, the rest of the Aquarium was excellent!
I think I liked the seal tank the best!
THEY weren't afraid of public appearances,
and man can they swim! There is this one huge
rock right smack in the middle of the tank that
they swam in circles around, in a sort of pod.
'Twas neat. :)

Well, now that I've finished my Keiko bashing,
I think I'll slither back under my rock now. :)

I lost my brain three days ago.
If anybody sees it running around,
Please kill it, brains aren't supposed
to do that.

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