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January 28, 2001
Updated the links area of the site.  Added some more sketches to the sketch gallery.  More articles and images are coming soon.
August 11, 2000
Added a nice little article about Melanie's mum (including an accompanying snapshot of Mel's Mom) to the Articles page.  It makes reference to an appearance Melanie might soon make on the Warner Brothers' show Angel in a part especially written for her!  Updated the design of the Articles page so that  articles are easier for me to add. : )  Hopefully the design is easier on the eyes as well.  Re-organized the articles, so that the newer ones are on top.
August 10, 2000
Found two high-res pictures of Melanie from Coyote Ugly.  Picture 1, Picture 2.  Plan to put them in the gallery with a few more pictures this weekend.
July 22, 2000
Added a neat little java script to the gallery page.  Hopefully it will be compatible with all browsers.  Please contact me if you're having difficulty loading the page, as I'm trying to get the page compatible with as many browser as possible, yet retain the javascript. : )
July 21, 2000
Received a two wonderfully in-depth articles from the Greer Mundie.  Added them instantly to the Articles page. : )  One article from the Sunday Star, a New Zealand Newspaper "An LA Story".  The other one is from Pavement, "Escape to LA".  I think I'm starting to see a pattern developing here...  or as Greer noted "It seems that every single interview with her has to have "L.A." in the title somewhere..." : )  
July 16, 2000
Added some great new images of Melanie from the But I'm a Cheerleader.  The movie that just recently was released in a few theaters and has been doing quite well.  The images look a very quirky, and surreal.  I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie as Mel looks like she's in much of the movie!  Hoping there'll be some interviews or press photos from the publicity of BIAC...
July 16, 2000
Added an interview with Melanie about Ever After to the articles page.  It's an older interview, but it reveals Mel's feelings on not working and the comparisons to Kate Winslet's career.
July 15, 2000
Added some great new images of Melanie from the Snake Skin website.  It's Melanie's latest movie, which she's filming in her home country New Zealand.  What's great is it appears that she's the principle character of the film.  The movie looks interesting, I hope it comes over to these shores.  
July 12, 2000
Added a wonderful interview, "LA Woman" with Melanie from a New Zealand magazine, transcribed by Greer.  
July 9, 2000
Added several sections to the gallery pages.  Now the gallery consists of: Candid Images; Promotional Stills; Film Stills; Film Captures; Behind The Scenes; The Sketch Gallery.  Please send in any images that you can contribute, it would be much appreciated. : )
July 8, 2000
Redid the design and layout of the gallery page, in anticipation of adding more image content.  : )
July 7, 2000
Added a great Movie Line interview, contributed to by Borovnia29.
July 1, 2000
Added a filmography area, contributed to by Borovnia29.  Redesign of primary index page.  Plans include expanding image gallery to contain all current images available.
October 7,1997
The script section of the site is again functional... at least to a point. : ) I'm working on finishing it sometime before school gets hectic.
July 29,1997
Added images to the galleries: behind the scenes, publicity, and sketch galleries.
March 14,1997
Exciting news of Melanie's next project has just come in from Adam Abrams of the Fourth World!
January 29,1997
After a long break, the major changes concern the look of the page. This weekend more scenes for the script, and some news about Melanie's film prospects, and an article with a Lynskey interview! : ) The picture gallery is out of commission... and is under renovation.. you can still get to the old gallery by clicking here or the top menu bars.
November 21,1996
Added "The Ones I Worship" scene to the Heavenly Script and added pics to the "Idiot Boarder" scene. Hoping to have many more scenes added this weekend. The previous and next buttons need work.. so you might not be able to use them as of yet.
November 6,1996
Updated the Heavenly Links section. New script scenes this weekend. : ) Thank you to everyone that signed the guestbook, I really appreciate it!
October 30,1996
Just changed a few things about the page's lay-out. Hope to add new scenes to the script in a few days.
September 17,1996
"It's only another 30 pounds and we've got the fare!" - another block of scenes added to the Growing Illness Act. The scenes are "That Idiot Boarder??" and "A Nasty Foreboding Feeling". Please sign the guest book, if you have the time. : )
-- Page Diary Archive --- August 1995 - September 1996

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This unofficial site has no connection or authorization from Melanie or her representatives.
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Thaiphong Vo











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