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[A Time of Innocence - Classic Film Page]
[Film strip with actors images]

I just love the the movies and ads of the late forties and early fifties. I really think this was "A Time Of Innocence". The movies from this period were filled with rare moments and classic lines. This web page is dedicated to the not so well-known movies and ads of this time period. It includes, but is not limited to; film, actors/actresses web sites, poster images, classic merchandising ads, a complete film storyline and much, much more!! I hope you enjoy your visit and please check back often.

Please visit one of the sections below. It is broken up as follows:

Swell Sites Sites that I feel deserve a look. The Sites I keep going back to.
Star Information Info on some of the greatest stars, with images.
Desktop Images Spice up your computer with a classic desktop wallpaper image.
Movie Madness Links to films and actors/actresses from this era.
Screen Stories Story lines from a many so well-known movies, with images.
Where To Buy Locations on the web to purchase your favorite classic movie.
Classic Ads Merchandising ads & posters from this time period.
Meet the site creator Who am I and why did I create this page.
My eMail Please feel free to eMail me your questions or comments.

I hope you enjoy this page and its contents.


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Maintained and designed by Ron Hunt
Last Updated on 11/1/98