This page isn't even up yet..sorry! I'll work on it when I get the chance.. till then check out
for info. Remember: All this crap is for educational and information purposes only, so don't blame me or any of warez.com's sys-ops.
Here's some filez for you:
Here's an Anonymous E-mail program.
KaBooM! An E-mail bomber.
Here's the famous IP Nuker Divinity][
I dont condone violence, but here's the hard to find anarchist handbook. Good for chemistry majors!
Disclamier: Ok, first off, using these programs is ILLEGAL!!! You can go to JAIL if you use these things!!!! besides, it's almost impossible to E-mail bomb or Nuke anyone these days with all the security around these days. (except maybe for IRC or ICQ nukes, an I ain't posting those!!) These files are for educational use only. You laugh yes, but it was by learning about hacking that I learned alot about UNIX systems and Networking. It actually helped me in college and it might help you too.. But I am NOT to be held responsible for you choice of use for these programs!!! If you need any help, I ain't gonna help ya! I'm only posting these files as a test for your consience (I can't spell {sigh}).. So, nobody better fail and download these files.. You've been warned...