The Edge of the Universe

UPDATE- December 3rd, 2001, 5:58 AM:

What a difference a year makes, huh? A terrorist attack on our soil, Bush in office, another war in the Middle East, the Diamondbacks surprise the former World Champion Yankees...interesting year...we've got reviews coming out the ears!!! And there are five new episodes that I have received. "Ring of Terror", "The Amazing Colassal Man", "I Accuse My Parents", "Santa Claus", and "The Phantom Planet" now join my library of 40+ episodes! Some sounds have been added here and there. Mostly to the older episodes, but I promise there will be more. No, really. I promise. There's a REALLY new look to the site. No more long-ass page! It's tight, succinct, and to-the-point. We're keeping it simple, unlike some sites that just INSIST on bombarding you with flashy-Shockwave menus that fly at you like a 3-D movie reject. The new nav-bar now directly links to other pages on the site.

Crow berates my site!

This MSTie Ring site is owned by Matt Perri.
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Have any questions, comments, threats or T.V. Trivia, go right ahead and send Matt

MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 and all program content is copyrighted by Best Brains Incorporated. SCI FI CHANNEL and all references are copyright of USA Networks.

THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE materials and content are copyrighted 1999, 2000, 2001 by Matthew Lee Perri.

If you want to use any materials from this site, please contact me.

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