The Slasher

About The Film.

"The Slasher" is a brand new horror film that's just wrapped filming in New York and is being readied for a Halloween release. Written and directed by New York television star Jim Haggerty, the film is the brutal, uncompromising tale of a serial killer who turns New York upside down with his horrific rash of murders.

Combining edge-of-your-seat suspense, startlingly realistic murder scenes, and a very black sense of humor, Haggerty has created a horror film for the millenium. In an age when the American horror film has been thoroughly bastardized by sanitized, watered-down offerings mustered up by a political correctness-bent Hollywood, Haggerty takes his cue as the underground film-maker to drive a stake directly though the heart of every horror movie convention and every commercially acceptable cliche. Haggerty's movie is frightening in so many ways, not the least of which is its downright unpredictability. You never guess what will happen next (and you're still reeling from what has just happened!).

Plans are currently underway for the film to make its debut in a few theatres in Long Island and New York City the week of October 28 (Halloween week). Check back to this site for further details.


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