A Rude Awakening

by Slash Priestess


Ben laughed as he chased after Diefenbaker. It had snowed the night before and about six inches of still-white snow covered the city. He and Dief had slipped out of the apartment for an early morning walk and had wound up in the park.

They had found the park nearly deserted except for themselves, and Ben had freed Dief from his leash. The wolf now ran ahead of Ben, romping happily through the snow, barking and snapping at the occasional snowflake the wind blew from the trees.

Ben followed at a more leisurely pace, enjoying the cold temperature and the wind and the snow crunching under his boots. Diefenbaker turned around and ran over to Ben at full speed, then jumped up on him, one paw on each shoulder, licking Ben's face.

Ben laughed and rubbed Dief briskly on the head, then scratched behind his ears. "Yes, it is a little bit like home, isn't it?"

The wolf woofed in agreement.

"And speaking of home, we'd better get back to the apartment. We wouldn't want Ray to wake up and wonder where we've gone."

Dief gave a snort, no doubt intended to convey his opinion on the odds of Ray being out of bed at such an early hour of the morning.

Ben grinned. "Yes, well nevertheless, we should be getting back."

He reluctantly attached the leash to Dief's collar and they headed back towards Racine Street at a leisurely pace. As they entered the apartment building and ran lightly up the stairs, Benny hoped to himself that Ray was awake, and making breakfast. Or at least coffee. A nice hot cup of coffee would really hit the spot right now.

As he entered his apartment, however, Benny stopped and smiled and shook his head. Ray was still in bed, under four layers of covers, sound asleep. Well, there was more than one way to warm up...

After unfastening Diefenbaker's leash and hanging it up, Ben quickly shed his clothes and slipped into bed next to his lover, pressing his cold body up against Ray's warmth.

The results were instantaneous, surprising, and a little bit violent. A loud stream of English and Italian swear words erupted from under the blankets, and the blankets were quickly thrown back as Ray leapt out of the bed.

"Jesus Christ, Benny! What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, Ray. I was just out with Diefenbaker for a morning walk, and I guess I got chilled."

"Chilled? You call that chilled? I've felt icicles that were warmer than you are right now."

"I am terribly sorry, Ray. I didn't mean to interrupt your sleep."

"Yeah, well you did," Ray grumbled, wrapping his arms around his chest and shivering dramatically.

"It was time for you to be up anyway, Ray."

"Benny, it's only 7:30. On a Sunday morning."

"Well, Diefenbaker and I have been up for almost two hours."

"Yeah? Just because the two of you are insane doesn't mean I have to be, too."

Ray was naked, and annoyed, and Benny found the combination very arousing. He climbed out of the bed and stood in front of his lover. "You're quite right, Ray, come back to bed."

"There's no point now, Benny. I'm wide awake because of you."

"Oh no, Ray, you misunderstand me." Benny stepped even closer and pulled Ray into an embrace.

Ray shivered slightly, but he didn't pull away. He wrapped his arms around Benny's waist. "I do?" he whispered, walking them over to the bed.

"You do." Benny gave Ray a kiss, shivering at the feel of those warm lips against his still-cold ones. "I wasn't even thinking about sleeping." His knees hit the edge of the bed and he fell to the mattress, pulling Ray down with him.


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