
by Slash Priestess


Ben sighed to himself as he trudged up the stairs to his apartment. He felt hot and tired and completely out of sorts. This past week had been extremely hot, and today the humidity had been beastly as well- nearly 80%, with a storm threatening all day.

The storm had not arrived, but the clouds had continued gathering throughout the day, until they hung over the city, trapping the heat and humidity. The sky was now an ominous greenish color, and in the last ten minutes, flashes of lightening had begun to appear.

Ben entered his apartment and was hit by another blast of heat. He sighed again and wished, not for the first time that week, that he was home in the cool, wide-open spaces of the Territories.

He filled Diefenbaker’s water bowl with fresh cold water, and the wolf greedily drank it down, then went to lie under Ben’s bed, the coolest spot in the apartment.

Lightening flickered outside the window, followed by a clap of thunder, but there was still no rainfall. Ben moved to the closet and quickly and gratefully shed his uniform, changing into shorts and a tank top. He would have loved to take a cool shower, but he knew that wasn’t safe with the lightening just outside.

Ben went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, gazing at its contents without much interest. He really wasn’t that hungry- the heat robbed his appetite, and on top of everything else he had a headache. Finally, he made himself a sandwich and sat down to eat it.

Even though he had no appetite, he knew he had to eat. He hadn’t been able to bring himself to eat any lunch today- which was probably a contributing factor to his headache. Even Dief had no appetite lately- his food bowl was still full from last night, and when Turnbull had given Dief half his sandwich at lunchtime, Dief had barely touched it.

Ben shook his head with a wry smile. “We’re a couple of wimps, Diefenbaker.”

There was an indignant growl from the “deaf” wolf under the bed.

Ben finished his meal, then dropped his dishes in the sink. He would wash the dishes later. He walked over to the kitchen window, leaning his forehead against the glass with a sigh.

He really needed to get a hold of himself. He felt very irritated, for no real reason. It had been a struggle the last couple of days to maintain his usual polite and cheerful façade.

He knew he was hot and tired- his apartment did not cool off that much at night, and he hadn’t gotten much sleep the past week- but that was still no reason to indulge in his emotions so. His grandmother would be ashamed of him.

He closed his eyes as the thunder and lightening grew more intense and imagined himself walking across the vast, frozen expanses of his home. He started suddenly as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around his waist.

“Hey, Benny.”


“Mmm hmm.” Ray rested his chin on Benny’s shoulder. “I was watching the storm build, and suddenly I wanted to be with you.”

Benny smiled and leaned back against Ray.

“God Benny, it’s an oven in here!”

“Yes, I’m afraid that fan does little more than move the hot air around.”

“You need to move out of this hell-hole, Benny.”

Benny abruptly pulled out of Ray’s arms and turned around to face him. “Are we going to have this argument every time you’re here, Ray? If you hate my apartment so much, you don’t have to come visit me, you know.”

Ray’s eyes widened in surprise. “I’m sorry, Benny. You know I like to come visit you. But I do worry about you. It’s not good for you to be stuck here all the time when it’s so hot.”

Benny stared at him for a moment, then looked away, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, Ray. I don’t know what’s the matter with me.”

Ray smiled at him, forgiving him instantly. “It’s this heat, baby. It makes everyone out of sorts. You should see how the arrest rate has climbed lately.”

Benny smiled.

“And I’d be willing to bet that you’re not getting much sleep lately. You look worn out.”

Benny just shrugged.

Ray looked him over closely and frowned. “Benny, do you feel okay?”

Benny paused. “I have a headache,” he admitted.

“Do you want some aspirin?”

Benny hesitated, torn.

Ray went to the sink and filled a glass with cold water, then brought it over to Benny. He took two aspirin tablets from the pill box in his pocket and gave those to Benny as well.

“Thank you,” Benny said quietly. He took the aspirin, then drained the glass of water. When he was done, Ray took the glass back over to the kitchen sink. Noticing the dinner dishes in there, Ray washed them and left them on the counter to dry.

When he was done with the dishes, Ray moved back over to Benny, who was once again staring out the window with his head leaning against the glass. Ray wrapped his arms around Benny’s waist and rested his chin on his shoulder.

They stood quietly for a few minutes, then Ray placed a kiss on the back of Benny’s neck.


“Hmm?” He kissed the side of Benny’s neck.

“It’s too hot.”

“Too hot for what?” Ray whispered. He slipped the strap of the tank top off Benny’s shoulder and placed a kiss on the bare flesh.


Ray kissed his way across Benny’s shoulder, then gave a gentle nip to the nape of Benny’s neck.

Benny turned to face him, looking a little torn. He wanted to continue to argue, but he was obviously becoming very interested in the proceedings.

“It’s never too hot, Benny. We’re already this hot, what’s a little more heat?”

He placed a lingering kiss against Benny’s lips, and Benny sighed and gave in willingly, returning the kiss full force. Suddenly, he felt Ray’s arms tighten around him in an iron grip, and he was lifted off his feet just as a flash of lightening lit up the kitchen.

“Ray, what are you doing?” he asked, his words almost lost in the loud thunderclap.

“I’m sweeping you off of your feet,” Ray grinned. He carried Benny across the apartment, ignoring his laughing protestations, and the two men dropped to the bed.

A very disgusted Diefenbaker crawled out from under the bed and went to lie in the corner, grumbling and growling deep in his throat.

Ray lay Benny flat on his back, then stretched out next to him. He ran his hand lightly over Benny’s chest, massaging him through the thin cotton of the thank top.

“If you’re hot Benny, maybe you need to remove some clothing.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan, Ray.”

Ray slipped the shirt off of Benny, then quickly unfastened Benny’s shorts and removed those, as well. The white cotton boxers were the next item to join the rapidly growing pile of clothes on the floor.

“There, don’t you feel better already?” Ray asked. He ran his tongue up the center of Benny’s chest, then blew on it.

Benny gasped. “Oh yes, Ray. Much better.” Another flash of lightening split the sky.

Benny said something else, but his words were swallowed by the thunder.

“What was that?” Ray asked.

Benny reached up and began unbuttoning Ray’s shirt, a devilish smile playing across his face.

“Ah.” Ray smiled and joined Benny’s efforts and in no time, Ray was naked.

Benny ran his hand over Ray’s chest, his fingers playing lightly with the fuzz of hair there. With his other hand, he pulled Ray down into a kiss.

Ray lay on top of Benny, his chest pressed to Benny’s chest, his cock rubbing deliciously against Benny’s cock. The kiss deepened as the two men’s tongues explored each other’s mouths while they moved their hips slowly and sensuously against each other, increasing the movement between their cocks.

After a few minutes, Benny pulled away. His face was bright red and sheened with sweat, and his breathing was slightly harsh. “Ray...”

“What is it, Benny?” Ray gasped out.

“Ray, I need...”

“What, baby? What do you need?”

“You. I need you. Please, Ray.”

As understanding of what Benny was asking dawned, Ray smiled down at him. “Absolutely.” He pulled open the nightstand drawer and removed the lube that was kept there.

Benny swallowed and took a deep breath, but his breathing didn’t get any smoother.

Ray quickly prepared himself, then knelt above Benny.

“Hot,” Benny was whispering. “So hot. You make me so hot, Ray.”

“Benny...” was all that Ray could think of to say in response. He slid his hands slowly up Benny’s legs, squeezing and massaging the thighs, then lifted Benny’s legs and draped them over his shoulders.

Ray pushed some of the damp hair off of Benny’s sweat-slicked forehead. “Benny, are you-”

“Ray.” Ben grabbed Ray’s hand and squeezed it tightly. “Ray. I want you. I need you. Now. Please Ray, now.”

Without another word, Ray smoothly entered Benny. Both men stilled for a moment, enjoying the sensation, then Ray began to thrust gently into Benny, setting up a rhythm that became faster and stronger as their passion became more intense.

Benny clutched at the sheets, digging his fists into them as he lifted his hips up to meet each of Ray’s thrusts. He was hot. He was shaking and sweating and his head was pounding. He was so hot that he felt that he might just spontaneously combust, and he didn’t even care. He would glory in it.

“Ray,” he gasped out his lover’s name again and again. “Ray, Ray...”

The lightening and thunder outside the window was almost constant now, matching the heat and intensity in the tiny bedroom. Benny tried to draw a deep breath, but it was hard to breathe at all.

He turned his head and buried his face against Ray’s neck, but that was hot as well. That long, beautiful, elegant neck was covered in sweat and giving off an intense heat all its own, and Benny cried out weakly.

He cried out much more loudly a few seconds later as he heard Ray call out his name above him, then felt Ray’s seed inside him, more searingly hot than any Chicago summer could ever be.

The world began swirling around him, and Benny wrapped his arms around Ray’s waist and hung on as tightly as he could. He felt his body convulse suddenly, and cried out loudly as he spent himself against his lover’s body.

He felt his arms drop limply to his side, and he could just barely make out Ray speaking above him.

“Benny... Caro...”

Ray’s voice was the last thing Benny heard for a while.

Benny slowly and lazily blinked his eyes open, then started as a huge thunderclap sounded. He looked around him, confused. He was lying on fresh, clean sheets, and Ray was sitting next to him on the edge of the bed, clad in his briefs. Ray saw Benny looking at him and smiled. “Welcome back.”

It took a few seconds before Benny could remember how to speak. “How long was I out?”

“About ten minutes.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“That’s all right.” Ray grinned suddenly. “I wanted you to relax, after all.”

Benny blushed, and Ray laughed.

“My headache is completely gone,” Benny announced in surprise.

“Really? Well, just call me Dr. Vecchio.”

“Just as long as I’m the only one to whom you make house calls.”

“Absolutely. It’s a very exclusive service.”

There was a bowl sitting on the nightstand next to Ray, and he pulled a washcloth from it and wrung the water from it, then gently wiped the cloth over Benny’s chest.

“Oh, that feels good, Ray.”

“Yeah?” Ray smiled.

He dipped the washcloth in the bowl again, and ran it slowly over Benny’s arms. Benny closed his eyes and let himself drift, soothed by the ministrations. His eyes opened again as he felt the cool cloth wash over his face.

He looked up at his lover. “Ray?”

“Yes, Benny?”

“I’m sorry about before. When I was being so...”

“Moody?” Ray supplied the word with a grin.

“Well, yes.”

“That’s all right, Benny. Don’t worry about it. You’re allowed to have your emotions. I mean, how many times have I flown off the handle and snapped at you?”

Benny thought about the question, then opened his mouth to answer.

“That was a rhetorical question,” Ray interrupted.


“The point is, don’t worry about it. I’m not.”

“All right, Ray.”

The two men looked over at the window as they heard the sound of raindrops spattering against the glass.

“Ray! It’s finally started to rain!”

“About damn time, I’d say.”

There were a few more spatters, then the skies opened up, and the rain began to pour down.

Ray jumped off the bed and went into the kitchen and opened the window. “Ahhh!” he called in happy relief. “Actual cool air!”

Diefenbaker jumped up from his spot in the corner and ran across the apartment and out the open window. Out on the fire escape he stretched happily and stuck his head out from under cover, barking happily as the rain hit him in the face.

Ray crossed back into the bedroom with a smile. “My two crazy Canadians.” He propped the bedroom window open, as well. “With any luck, we’ll get a nice cross breeze going, Benny.”

“But the rain could come into the apartment.”

“So,” Ray shrugged, “if it does, we’ll wipe it up. No biggie.”

“All right,” Benny smiled.

The thunder and lightening were still going full force, perfect counterpoint to the pounding rain. “You love this, don’t you Benny?”

“Oh yes. It’s so wild and uninhibited.”

Ray smiled. “Yeah, I can see how you’d appreciate that.” He sat on the edge of the bed again; and Benny tugged on his arm.

“Lay down with me, Ray.”

“All right.” Ray obeyed happily, lying next to Benny and pulling him over to lie against his chest. “Are you feeling better now, love?”

“Oh, completely.”

“Good,” Ray smiled.

“I’m glad you came over, Ray. I’m...” Benny’s words were swallowed up by a huge yawn.

Ray chuckled. “Why don’t we get a little shut-eye right now, okay Benny?”

“Mmm, okay,” Benny agreed. He snuggled closer to Ray, placing his head over Ray’s heart. The sound of Ray’s heartbeat was clear and soothing, even over the sounds of the rain and thunder, and Benny let himself be lulled to sleep.


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