The Hogswatch Party At Oakham On 5th Dec ‘98


The snow was falling, all around us, children playing, having fun…hmmm, this sounds too familiar! But seriously, the snow was falling, settling lightly on the ground all around Oakham and the cosy, comfy setting of The Grainstore pub. Thus making for the perfect setting for The Wallbro Pixies Hogswatch Party. And yes, there were many children having fun, if you can call people over 40 children.

So, after arriving at 11:30 am from Derby, I saw several familiar faces immediately in Elton (the man from Clarecraft), Joe Pattison (Clarecraft Sculptor), Tamsin Clare (Painter), Eric & Arthur (our Pixie hosts), Stephen Briggs (Vetinari & Playwright), Dave Hodgesaargh with a real life Lady! ("What, at a Discworld Event!" you may exclaim in shock, but you know what I mean…the bird!!) and a girl named Rachel, whom many of you may remember as the person who made that gorgeous marionette of the Death of Rats for the 1998 Convention. Several members of the Discworld Convention Committee were also present, with whom I discussed matters pertaining to the Millenicon Hand and Shrimp. Plus a few personal friends were there in Steven Dean (aka TWK editor extraordinaire), Andy Welch, Emma Picksley and Shaun Slattery, whose motorbike was a talking point, not the bike itself, but more the number plate, which read – B1NKY. So Binky the Bike was in attendance aswell!

Terry himself was due to arrive at 12:15pm, but was fashionably late by one hour! When he did arrive however, he couldn’t get into The Grainstore because he was mobbed outside by some of the attendees, for autographs and chats. So the poor man had to stand in the bitter cold outside for a while longer. The party was now getting into full swing!

Stephen (CMOT) Briggs

I was lucky enough to be able to get a fairly lengthy and relaxed chat with Stephen early on in the day. The subject of conversation was an impending Discworld release, namely the second of the Discworld Big Comic Books. This came about from a discussion of the end of apartheid in South Africa. You see, to show the populous what atrocities occurred on both sides of the Black v. White battlefield (this was with the intention of learning knowledge from mistakes and to stop such a thing happening again), it was felt that all formats of publication should be used to get the messages across to all people, no matter intelligence or wealth. So a T.V. version, a book version, an audio version and a Comic Book version(!), amongst others, were made to purvey the message.

Stephen confirmed that the Discworld Comic Book release will be Guards, Guards, again illustrated by Graham Higgins. However, this release will see several changes and will benefit from lessons learnt after the release of Mort. Most probably Guards, Guards will be in Black and White, thus it will be bigger, meaning more pictures and a thicker book. This also means that Stephen’s role of adaptation is made easier, as this size of comic book will mean less of a story cut is required. Thus providing an accurate, fully covering pictorial of the original book.

After the experiences of Mort, Stephen feels he is better prepared and knows the impending problems. Now the rough numbers to be printed in a batch are better known, because with Mort they believed sales were low until they saw how many print runs they had done and combined them. Then they saw sales were pretty good overall. The main problem with so many small expensive re-print runs on demand was that the books price increased (this decision was also due to thinking not many books were selling aswell). That mistake has now been made. So, this time much larger batches will be produced, and along with the proposed black and white format, costs will be reduced for the buyer (that means you & me!). As 1999 is a very busy year for Discworld related releases, the Guards, Guards Comic Book illustrated by Graham Higgins is most likely going to be a year 2000 release. To view some of Graham’s artwork in the meantime, in colour and Black and White, and to learn useful information about the Mort release, feel free to visit Graham’s own web page "Necrocomicon" at


There’s a woman called Rachel (sorry I forgot your surname) whom attended the Hogswatch Party. Many will remember her as Susan in the Maskerade Parade with her Death of Rats marionette (which was absolutely excellent), but as it turns out this was not a one-off. The marionette was so greatly admired, that Stephen Briggs was sufficiently impressed with Rachel to ask her to do marionettes for his stage adaptations of the Discworld books in Abingdon when necessary. Rachel has just completed the making of an apparently excellent looking Errol (according to Stephen). So watch out for her work and of course her Dragons on Sticks. Unfortunately none of her work is available for the general public to buy at present. The Marionettes are solely for Stephen’s adaptations and the Dragons on Sticks she gave away for free at the Hogswatch Party.


As ever Elton was present, but Clarecraft were not selling anything at this event. Their main role was general promotion of their pieces and providing the ever popular Death’s Heads (Elton’s main role being to liase with the public, but he wasn’t drinking much!). These were sculpted by Joe Pattison, who was present to sign the pieces. Painting the pieces for £1 per head was Tamsin Clare, she did any colour and style anyone wanted, even doing Death as a Wizard in one case, with stars and all. She made an excellent job of all the pieces she added life and colour to and it was interesting to watch her work and see how simple she made it all look.

 Eric & Arthur

The "Wallbro Pixies" and our hosts for the day, Eric and Arthur were at work selling their wares and making a fair few bob. This was of course the new "Albert’s Drip" beer, plus the last of the older beers such as the special "Fifty" (for Terry’s 50th Birthday), "Imp Pale Ale" and more. They were also selling the Clarecraft pieces at special knockdown prices. Eric and Arthur made excellent hosts and ensured no-one’s spirits were down, how could they be with this pair of pixies bringing as much fun as they could to the event, and being as cheeky a pair of chappies as they could without offending! The only downside to the whole event was that there was no tour of the brewery, as time didn’t permit this to happen.

Terry Pratchett

For Terry, as always, this was a busy day. A day brought about by his writings and an opportunity for him to survey the many offshoots of his novels. He could not escape the many autographs he had to make within his books and on any object anyone could find to hand. However, this was not all for Terry on this day. Rachel also plays the Steel Drums and had been entertaining the masses all day with her playing, so it was Terry’s turn to be entertained. Rachel handed out several lyric sheets, including one to Terry and the proceeded to play a filk that everyone was meant to join in with. In reality only a few people did, but I think Terry enjoyed listening and was also glad they stopped before the X-rated verses!

In the end though I believe even Terry found the day fun, finding pockets of time to escape and have a few moments to ask the questions himself and just chat about what he wanted to, and of course eat. In fact at the end of the day he was taken out for a meal by Eric and Arthur to a nearby Chinese restaurant called "Wok This Way", no surprise to learn that Eric found this place!


Notable absentees from the proceedings were Bernard and Isobel Pearson, as we all know Bernard enjoys a good quaff of beer. Unfortunately Bernard and Isobel would pick that weekend to be tied up and have a family engagement! Don’t worry Bernard, we all drank a pint…or two…or three, to the health and good fortune of both you and Isobel.