Oasis heathens

Bootlegs  Trading Rules  Scans/Covers
Good/Bad Trader's
Quality Rating Offical Page

Added bootleg (21.11.03)
Loads of videos
Have got an ftp Server to
Oaklan 18.06.1997 DAT
Earls Court 5.11.1995 DAT/SB

rade Or Buy
Wanted Bad: HC boxset and HC german edition with DVD
So  my server didnt alow me to upload more vids FFS, anyways
hav the ftp use it upload/dowload files..

Heathen Info
It has sold 4 millions, not bad for an unpopuloar band!

New Album Info
A new oasis album is possible for release next year. Working titles for songs include 'Stop The Clocks', 'They Ain't Got Nothing On Me, They Ain't Got Nothing On You', 'Longer', 'Singin Your Life', 'You Wanna Feel My Shame', 'Say It', 'Revolution Man', and 'The Good Rebel'


New Layout/Updates

This is
just beta so all
the links
may not work yet,
hope to
get it half done by
 this month. For norwegian
people please
E-mail me

BTW cheers to
all wankers
that hated this site
at oasisforum just
trying to be