This is a special quiz designed to test your knowledege of this site and see how mush you have learned. To take this quiz, print the sheet off our site and write your answers down beside the questions. Then re-enter our site and check your answers
on our answers link. REMEMBER! All of the answers this quiz can be found in our website but it is better to challenge yourself, and see how much you have learned.
Then you can e-mail us and tell us how you did.GOOD LUCK!!! Kim and Carrie.

1) List two differences between Irish and French-Canadian stepdancing?

2)When a basic softshoe ( slipper ) reel has been completed, on what foot should you end up?

3) How many different figures and musical pieces do Irish dancers learn?

4) Where do the patterns on the costumes of the Irish dancers come from?

5) True or false:a reel can be danced as both a group and a solo dance?

6)True or false:a single jig can be danced in hardshoes?

7) Describe two differences between an Irish hardshoe and a tapdancing shoe?

8) name all three steps used in a basic Irish Reel?

9) True or false: When starting any type of Irish dance , you should start on your left foot?

10) An Irish hardshoe has both a buckle and laces, why is this?

11) To which piece from Leahy can you dance a single jig?

12) Name  the first piece of music in the show Riverdance which is danced as a reel?

13) What is the correct name for Irish stepdancing?

14) What is the most immportant thing to remember when starting any type of Irish

15)What is the timing on a Reel?

16) What is the timing on aSngle Jig?

17) List the two types of Jigs and Reels and give and example of music for each one?