Kevin McDonald:
Kevin McDonald is 37 years old, 5'9, and his birthday is May 16th
Kevin was born in Montreal then moved to LA. and then back to Canada,
in Toronto. He was married to Tiffany Lacey from 1993-1996. Kevin has heard
to have a cameo in Dave Foleys's new movie "The Wrong Guy" and he has a
movie coming out called "Dinner At Fred's" Some of Kevin's famous characters
~Sir Simon Milligan
~Jerry Sizzler
~Dean, the king of empty promises
~Rudy, the pimp
Mark McKinney
Mark McKinney is 38 years old and is 5'11
Mark is married and has a son. He has recently been seen in
a Sprint commercial and he was in the Spice Girl's movie. Some of
Mark's famous characters are:
~The Head Crusher
~Chicken Lady
Scott Thompson:
Scott Thomposon is 38 years old and is 5'10
Scott Thompson is frequently on the Larry Sander's show. You can
visit Scottland; Scott's magical home on the net. Some of Scott's famous
characters are:
~Buddy Cole
~Franchesca Fiore
~assorted waiters
Dave Foley:
Dave Foley: 35 years old, around 5'9
Dave Foley is married and has 2 children. He is currently starring
in the NBC sitcom, News Radio. Its a good show, you should watch
it. He also has two new movies coming out; one is "The Wrong Guy" and "A
Bug's Life". Some of Dave Foley's famous characters are:
~Servent Hecubus
~Jocelyn, the hooker
~Mr. Heavyfoot
~The ax murder
Bruce McCulloch:
Bruce McCulloch: 38 years old, 5'7 Who knows where Bruce is? He
has a comedy album out called "Shame Based Man" It has some funny stuff
on it like "The Dave's I Know" He is also in a Odds music video called
"Make you Mad". Some of Bruce's famous characters are:
~flying pig
~Cabbage Head