And E-Mail address, if you don't mind:
Do you have a webpage you would like me to pay a visit to?
Who is your favorite Kid? Dave Bruce Kevin Mark Scott
And your favorite season would be... 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94
Favorite Kevin/Dave Duo? Simon and Hecubus The "Nobody Likes Us" Guys Jerry Sizzler
Favorite Dave character? Hecubus The Ax Murderer Smitty
Favorite Bruce Character? Flying Pig Gavin The Cop
Favorite Kevin Character? Sir Simonm Milligan Jerry Sizzler Dean, the King of Empty Promises
Favorite Mark Character? The Head Crusher The Cab Driver Chicken Lady
Favorite Scott Character? Buddy Franchesca Fiore Idiot Boy
Is there a character that you especially like?
Favoriet sketch of that character?