Who..me? I wish!

The Spirit of the Undertaker lives within the soul of all mankind. The eternal flame of life that cannot be extinguished. The origin of which cannot be explained. The answer lies in the everlasting spirit.
Soon all mankind will witness
the rebirth of the Undertaker.
I will not rest in peace..rest in peace.

Warning!! Warning!! The following reviews are written from an over-21 female's point of view..If you can't handle comments on Undertaker's hot looks..stop where you are. I've heard enough crap about Sable and Sunny to last a lifetime, and turnabout is fair play! If you can deal with that..proceed..

Reports From 8.10.98 Onward

My Thoughts For 8.4.98:

Pretty good Taker night overall, but I was so distracted by his gorgeous brother, that I honestly don't remember a whole hell of a lot about it. Hmmm..Okay, well, in the begining Rocky and Owen come out and talk about the tag match they'll be having later. They call out Taker and Austin. Austin comes out first, then Taker. Kane appears at the top of the ramp, and Taker looks back at him. Mankind then appears and he and Taker start fighting. They brawl around behind the seats, etc..

Later on, Taker comes out and talks about he and Austin and the belts. Austin comes out and yacks for awhile, tells Taker he doesn't want the tag-team belt, and that he'll see him at Summerslam. He starts to leave, but Taker says "Austin! Austin! I'm talking to you, boy!" *g* I loved it! Taker tells Austin that his reaction is just what McMahon wanted, and to come and get what was his. Austin finally goes and takes the other belt, then leaves. UT tells him that from then till Summerslam, he was the safest SOB in the WWF.

Okay, the match with Rocky and Owen comes, and it's a pretty dull match, IMO. I just don't care for Taker and Austin together. However, Taker did some cool stuff..walked the top rope, suplex, leg-drop, etc..and *he* was the one who got the pin for the victory..(Woohoo!) Kane comes out with a chair while Mankind (who was hiding) has the Mandible Claw on UT. Kane lifts the chair over his head, UT ducks, and Kane hits Mankind. *g* UT takes the chair away from Kane and hits Mankind *again*..NAO comes out and all present start brawling..the end..

My Thoughts For 7.27.98:

Hmmm..where to start. This was a pretty crappy RAW overall, and I lent my tape out to my sis, so I'm going to go from memory here. Forgive me if I miss something.

Okay, in the beginning Taker comes out to his new music and video (and new pyros!) which I really love. He's got both tag-team belts with him. He starts talking about how he and Austin are the champs, etc..Austin comes out..yacks about something I can't remember, then McMahon comes out. He tells them that they have to face the New Age Outlaws and defend the belts later on in the night. Yada yada yada..Austin flips off Taker and leaves..leaving Taker staring after him looking very po'ed.

The main event comes and Taker comes out, then Austin. I'm having one hell of a time remembering the actual match, but I do remember that Taker and Austin dominated. Also that Taker reversed a rollup by Road Dog into this extremely cool move of his own..whatever it was. Sorry for being so vague, I'll be more detailed next week when I try to get caught up on sleep. Taker and Austin win of course.

My Thoughts For 7.20.98:

Not much to say this week, thanks to my stupid power going out right at the beginning of Raw (we had a very severe storm). Here's what I was able to see..McMahon comes out, reviews all the "evidence" that Taker and Kane are in cahoots, then calls out UT. UT comes out (looking as hot as ever) and just stands around the ring looking pissed while McMahon yacks. Finally, McMahon asks Taker again if he and Kane are in cahoots. Taker doesn't answer, so McMahon yells at him to "Answer me dammit".. Taker still doesn't answer, just looks po'ed again. McMahon points at his chest, and I love the way he looks down at his finger. LOL Anyway, McMahon tells him he has to meet Makind *and* Kane later on in the night, then he tells him to leave..but stops him and says "You can go to hell". Taker whirls on him (and I *die* of pleasure) and chokeslams him. Briscoe, Patterson, and Slaughter run into the ring and get chokeslammed as well. (Actually, Patterson just gets knocked down) Taker leaves, and my power goes out..*sigh* At least I got to see UT for a few minutes anyway..

My Thoughts For 7.13.98:

(Note: The RAW notes this week are the same on both my Kane and UT reports..this will change next week) This commentary is soo late it's almost not even worth doing now, but since some very important things happened on RAW, I better at least briefly cover it. Well, in the beginning of the show, Taker had a match with Vader, and Kane came out to stand at ringside (with Mankind and Bearer). The announcers were going nuts trying to figure out if Kane and UT were in cahoots. Towards the end of the match (actually, at the end), Mankind went to hit Taker with a chair, but Kane pulled the chair out of his hands to stop him, and hit Vader with it. I loved it! I think they're getting them together..but it won't be for awhile yet.

Later we have the tag-team title match between Kane/Mankind and New Age Outlaws. Taker also comes down to ringside to watch. He doesn't get involved, but the Nation does.. D-Lo Brown does his splash thing on Road Dog, and Kane pins him for the win. Kane and Mankind are the new tag-team champs! Woohoo! I was happy, even if it was done in a crappy way.

McMahon comes out later and calls out Taker, demanding to know if he and Kane are in cahoots. Taker tells him to "Go to hell". SCSA then comes out and asks UT the same question, he gets told to "Go to hell with (McMahon)"..Then DX comes out and demands to have a rematch for the tag titles with Taker and Austin as Special Enforcers. McMahon agrees.

Okay, during the rematch Road Dog rolls Kane up into an inside cradle and Austin goes to do the count, but UT pulls him out of the ring. They argue..meanwhile Kane gets the chokeslam (a *killer* one) on Road Dog and Taker does the count, only to be pulled away by Austin. Taker gets pissed and stands up to stalk Austin, and Kane does the same..knocking him down and into the corner. He starts kicking SCSA while UT gets into it with Mankind. DX then runs in and gets their butts handed to them by Taker and SCSA. So, in other words..Kane and Mankind are STILL tag-team champs..at least until Fully Loaded. *sigh*

My Thoughts For 7.6.98:

Well, that was a pleasant two hours. Anytime I get Taker and Kane spread throughout Raw I can handle just about anything..even two more Brawl For It All matchups. *g* Anyway, we get our first Taker fix right away, and he comes out to the new pyros..which I *love*. He looks so, so hot tonight. Forgive me if I become a little distracted during this..it can't be helped. *eg* He gets in the ring and immediately demands a title match with Austin..and NOW. I love it when he's like this..He then has to pace the ring for awhile while Michael "Too Dull" Cole looks for Austin. Austin finally comes out of some "dressing room" mumbling something and heads to the ring. He and UT are just about to go at it (yeah, right), when McMahon comes out and stops it. He yacks and yacks (as usual)..putting down both Taker and Austin, then he..Whoa, Mark!!..Nice bu..Never mind. *innocent look* Anyway, he announces the Taker/Austin vs. Mankind/Kane match scheduled for July's "In Your House: Fully Loaded"..Ummmmmmm..I was going to make a comment about that title, but I guess I'd better *try* to keep this as clean as possible..ahem..*smirk* Next we get a very nice "package shot" of UT. (So much for keeping it clean..and if you don't know what "package" means, trust me..you don't need to know)

Where was I? Oh yes..Vince finally says that he'll also announce who the number one contender for Austin's belt is..and he'll do it later on in the night. So then he flips off Austin and leaves. Austin follows..then finally Taker.

A little later we get a quick glimpse of UT pacing in the backstage area. Man, he looks very irked! Then, when Terry Funk and D-Lo Brown are just finishing their match, Taker comes stalking down again and punches D-Lo, then chokeslams "The Godfather". D-Lo is stupid enough to come after him then and he gets chokeslammed. JR says.."Who's your daddy, D-LO?!" LMAO! Taker stands there scowling over his "victims", then Terry Funk starts hanging onto his arm, pulling himself up..but Taker is still po'ed, so Funk gets chokeslammed as well! *L* Oh, how I LOVE the "heel" Taker! He steps out over the top-rope and gives us another very nice "view"...and off he goes up the rampway, still looking very mean..I love it.

Okay, finally..McMahon comes out..introduces Mankind..then Kane..then Undertaker..(*hot*..very hot..) The three of them kind of stare at each other while McMahon just has to talk again..and forever..Taker's really agitated..shifting his weight and looking very bored. Then McMahon addresses him and we get a *Fantastic* shot of Mark's clear green eyes. He's got the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen..Screen shot!! I've gotta have that screen shot!! I should be adding a few more shots to the Taker gallery soon..Anyway..I love the way Taker looks down at his chest when McMahon gets his finger a little too close. LOL I'd love to see him get chokeslammed again! *weg* So eventually he gets to the point..the three of them have to compete in a triple-threat match at the end of the night.

Well..for this "triple-threat" match, McMahon comes out first along with Paul Bearer. McMahon joins the announcers and Bearer takes his spot at ringside. Then Austin comes out to join the announcers also, and Mankind is introduced, then "Kane." Undertaker is called out next, but he no-shows, so McMahon gets in the ring and demands that "Kane" and Mankind fight each other to see who the #1 Contender is. Mankind refuses..saying he won't fight his friend. "Kane" stands around for a bit, but finally takes a chair and goes outside the ring to whack Mankind with it. Then he rolls him into the ring and pins him..getting the three count. "Kane" stands up, then pulls off his mask to reveal the Undertaker. So UT is number one contender and I'm a happy girl!! *g*

My Thoughts For 7.1.98:

This one's late, I know. I've been working on another pet project this week, and I'm just now getting caught up. So, without further delay, my Undertaker report for this week.. The first time we see Taker on Raw is when he's walking in from the Parking Area. Wow, he looked great! He was wearing black jeans, a black vest (with no shirt..*YUM*) and his hair was pulled back and braided (I think). Always love the street clothes..

A little later, UT comes out to talk to Michael Cole, this time in his usual attire. He explains why he interfered in the Austin/Kane match at King of The Ring while I gaze at his lovely green eyes...Hmmm? What was the reason? I'm getting to it..He says he did what he had to do..he didn't want his little brother to have to set himself on fire (I marked out for it!). McMahon comes out and accuses him of doing it because he thinks he can't beat Austin, but he can beat Kane. Shut up, McMahon. *Growl* He also tells UT that if he interferes in the match tonight, he's in big trouble. Taker looks pretty ticked, and he leaves..I cringe when he jumps down off that apron..be careful, Mark!

Sighting number three..UT is asked what he thinks about McMahon's warning. He says.."Nobody tells me what to do.." Complete with that *incredibly* sexy growl! I was rewinding that scene about a million times..his eyes..that growl..*SIGH* If he only knew what he does to me!! *hyperventilating*

Alright, now that I've calmed down..We are graced with his too hot presence once more. He comes down (Looking deliciously evil) during the Austin/Kane match. Everyone's wondering what he's going to do, but he only watches as Austin gets the "Stunner" on Kane (Which had me PO'ed by the way). Afterwards, he gets in the ring, says something to the Ref (couldn't tell what), and then Austin "Stuns" *him*..Now I'm *really* PO'ed! The two brothers sit up simultaneously, though..and watch Austin leave up the ramp. They glance at one another a couple of times, and that's the end..I *want* them to team up *soooo* bad, but I'm thinking that it'll probably be an Austin/Kane/Undertaker three-way feud or something..I guess we'll soon find out..

My Thoughts For 6.28.98:

Wow! I am in AWE, here!! For those who missed "Hell In A Cell 2", I really feel for you. You missed an incredible match! Mick Foley deserves *a lot* of money for what he went through tonight, this much I think we can all agree on. Mick also won himself a *major* fan after tonight. He's just incredible! Poor Mark, though..his ankle (which was recently injured at a House Show on June 19th) was really bothering him, and I know he reinjured it in a fall during the match.. He was limping badly when he ran-in on the Kane Vs. Austin match. He deserves major kudos for wrestling in the condition he was in as well, but I felt horrible for him. I do hope he takes the time to heal properly. His loyalty is very admirable, but I hate to see him in pain. I was cringing throughout the entire match! Well, more on this tomorrow..although if he's on Raw I'll be very surprised.

My Thoughts For 6.22.98:

Oh well, so much for major Undertaker sightings. Tonight, all we got was a quick, but yummy shot of him breaking into Paul Bearer's home and attacking him. Paul was supposedly "injured" or whatever last week, and watched Raw at home. Anyway, Taker broke in and started beating the crap out of him again. He hit him with everything in sight, then we lost the picture. I've heard Mark has an ankle injury, which is not good..especially since "Hell In A Cell" is still on for King of the Ring. I hope Mark takes it easy! I hate to think about him being in so much pain.

My Thoughts For 6.15.98:

Well, this was MUCH better than last week. Not only did we get two, count 'em, two 'Taker interviews..we also got Paul Bearer getting what's coming to him at UT's hands. One thing I noticed when 'Taker first came out..the teardrop was missing. I don't know who started the rumor that it was a real tattoo, but it's obvious that it's not. Remember a few weeks ago when it got smudged..badly? In case you didn't know, Tattoos don't smudge like makeup. :P

Anyway, UT talks about how he still wanted his title shot, and that he asked for it with respect for Steve Austin, etc.. Of course, Paul Bearer, Kane and Mankind come out to tell a bunch of lies about UT teaming up with Bearer to plan horrible things..blah blah blah. Vince and Bearer are REALLY getting on my nerves, the way they're pitting Austin against 'Taker, or trying to. The lies and BS were flying around the ring, that's for sure!

Okay, moving on..They set up a Kane/Mankind vs. Undertaker/Austin tag match in a cell (cage!) for the main event. Yeah, right. I was able to smell that screwjob as soon as it was uttered.

Next, Kane and Mankind participate in a Tag-Team Royal Rumble which no one seemed to be expecting, and of course they're the ones left in the ring. (Which means they're the #1 contenders for the World Tag-Team Belts..Woohoo!) We go to commercial and come back to Bearer going on about how UT and Austin won't show up. Breaking glass..Austin comes out, waits outside the cage and looks back up the ramp waiting for 'Taker to come out. They introduce him twice and he no-shows both times. Meanwhile, Kane and Austin get into it, and Bearer locks himself in the cage. Big mistake. Soon after, 'Taker comes through the bottom of the ring, and goes after him. He boots him, punches him, and generally just gives him what he deserves. Bearer is juicing something bad! Yikes! Just when you think UT is easing up on him, he picks up the ring steps and hits Paul over the head with them. Kane climbs on top of the cage and tries to get in..Austin joins him. They brawl..credits roll. Next week should be *very* interesting!

My Thoughts For 6.7.98:

I'm pouting. Yep, pouting. All we got of 'Taker this week was quick appearances of him chokeslamming everyone in sight. Don't get me wrong..there are two things I loved about the whole thing. One, that he was in street clothes again..and looking FINE. Two, that these appearances were sprinkled throughout the show. Kept me from getting bored. Smart thing on their part, considering the rest of the show wasn't as good as usual (in my opinion). I did enjoy seeing Chainz though, of course. He's my third fave in the federation (as you know if you've read my "Others.." page). Here's hoping we get more..MUCH more of Mark next week!

My Thoughts For 6.3.98:

WOW..That's all I'm able to say this week. This was without a doubt the best RAW/Warzone I've ever seen. Why, you ask? Well..take a look around my page and guess. That's right..The Phenom..The Man From the Darkside..not to mention the man of my dreams. He was finally given lots of air time, after making very brief appearances every week lately. It's about time. Personally, I was wishing they would just ditch the remainder of the show and just let Mr. Calaway talk..I could listen to that accent all day long, and never before has a sweatsuit looked so good. I was fascinated by seeing the man behind the gimmick, since we get so few glances into the *real* Mark Calaway. There he was..no makeup..hair dry and shiny..taking my breath away. Yeah, I know..I can just see you men rolling your eyes now, but trust me..what we women find attractive about Mark is *not* the gimmick (alhough we like that too), it's the MAN. He is..without a doubt..the most charismatic, attractive man I've ever seen. This is merely my opinion of course. Okay, enough gushing. There actually *was* a match involving the Undertaker as well. Undertaker vs. Kane. The winner would go on to face "Stone Cold" Steve Austin at King of the Ring for the Title.

We start with the usual Kane entrance (looking good, Glenn!). Vince McMahon and Steve Austin have already joined Lawler and Ross at the announcers table. Undertaker's entrance. Okay..a question for the ladies..was it just me, or was 'Taker's "walk" a little different than usual? I found his entire entrance to be quite..shall we say..exciting. Anyway, I thought it was a fabulous match..even though some complete idiot in the crowd was yelling "boring" through much of it. Hey jerk..whoever you are..let's see YOU get up there and work your ass off like these two men do on an almost nightly basis. The only exercise you probably ever get is going from your couch to the 'fridge for another beer. *rolls eyes* I have to say it now..people who sit on their butts and obnoxiously chant "boring" should be lined up and shot..and I don't really care if you disagree. These men risk major bodily injury for our "entertainment" (think Buff Bagwell) and all you can do is show your stupidity by chanting. Get a life.

I'm not going to recap the match, but Kane ended up winning the match because the Ref "accidentally" got knocked out and Mankind returned and interfered with a Mandible Claw on Undertaker. 'Taker was able to shrug him off and clothesline Kane, but Mankind came back to distract UT again, allowing Kane to get the Tombstone on UT and the win. In the end, UT and Mankind got into it and we go off the air..

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