Welcome to my Guestbook!

Lesly - 12/21/00 07:27:49
My URL:http://www.gilmarc.com/leslie
My Email:braincandy15@bigfoot.com

I stumbled upon "Trust" late one night on tv last year with my friend. It was such an odd little movie, which naturally meant I loved it. That was the only time I had ever seen it, as its been next to impossible to find. But, for obvious reasons, Martin Donovan's performance stood out totally.. Enough that as a joke, I went as "Matthew Slaughter" last year for Halloween (yes I'm a girl, which made the whole scene more funny. I put my hair up, and painted a pine cone green and carried it around. No one but my friend knew who I was supposed to be, but we found it humorous anyway *g*) anyway, a year later (which would be a week ago) and I stumbled upon "Trust" at this video store I just got a job at. shocked, I rented it to refresh my memory.. and I don't want to take the movie back! There is a certain genius to this film. with such great writing, and excellent performances by all actors.. Martin stands out totally, and I'm glad to say Matthew Slaughter is still on my top ten list of all time favorite movie characters. Kudos Martin for such a kickass performance ten years ago. best of luck to ya.. and kudos to those who've made this site - excellent job. keep up the great work!

fritz huber - 10/07/00 13:41:35
My URL:http://www.ferienwelt.com/reisefieber/
My Email:fr.huber@utanet.at

Hi there,congratulation a realy great fabulous Page !!!! Yours is a very nice Site! By surfing inside your page you constantly feel the Site is done from people they afford a lot of love on the creation of this Web page Great Page,Design and very interresting INFOS. Haven't visited for a while and thought I should check it out.... Keep up the good work. Also to visite your nice country soon....i hope. My page is about traveling. http://www.ferienwelt.com/reisefieber/ My last trip was australia at april 2000 for one month. I would be glad for an entry into my guestbook. Greetings from Upperaustria. Take care Fritz

Sanchia Petrovich - 09/28/00 16:26:32
My Email:spetrovich@yahoo.com


Douglas Love - 09/03/00 22:25:47

Can't beat the Donovan/Hartley combo... simply the best America has to offer!

Giusy - 07/17/00 02:48:08
My Email:ziggy_stardust72@hotmail.com

Hi!This site is Great!!!Martin Donovan is GREAT!!! Sorry...but my english is very bad...so i'll write in italian. Ho 17 anni,sono di Cuneo...la settimana scorsa ho visto su Tele+ "The opposite of sex"...e naturalmente il personaggio che mi ha colpito di pių oltre alla Ricci č stato Donovan...bravissimo! Martedė alla tv hanno dato "The Portrait of a Lady"...wow...incantevole! Donovan oltre ad essere un grande attore č un uomo incredibilmente interessante,affascinante,profondo,misterioso,dolce e glaciale...fino a poco tempo fa usavo questi aggettivi esclusivamente per David Bowie di cui sono una grande fan.Ma Martin se li merit tutti. ciao ...bye bye.

- 06/18/00 07:02:32


Edit Molnár - 06/14/00 12:52:33
My Email:m.slaughter@freemail.hu

Seeing Martin's films means the happiest moments to me! He is not able to be false. I don't mind he is not really discovered because this way he can be always true. Though he would deserve to be in the forefront I feel that he belongs to me more as an "Invisible Actor". Who have eyes those can see his exceptional abilities. His performance is prime of perfection! I wish to thank to Hal for Martin!

Garry Pealer - 05/29/00 05:49:26
My Email:gpealer@ix.netcom.com

Which did you enjoy more? Working on your film The Opposite of Sex or selling shoes at Kinney's in the Northridge mall in the 1970's? I really enjoy your work, Marty. Keep it up.

Harmony Carrigan - 05/10/00 15:47:14
My URL:http://www.code.hollywood.com
My Email:MyDogAteLA@hotmail.com

Great website! Martin Donovan is an awesome actor. Keep up the great work!!!!

Michael Cera - 03/28/00 23:35:59
My Email:michaelcera@hotmail.com

Hi Martin. My name is Michael. Great website you've got! Keep on goin'!!! :ŪMo+įo

James Culver - 02/28/00 22:01:12
My Email:culverjames@hotmail.com

Ever since I saw Mr. Donovan's outstanding performance in The Opposite of Sex, I've been a fan. This is an excellent website, about a great (and very underappreciated) actor.

Rey Portis - 02/03/00 01:27:30
My Email:northam36@hotmail.com

Yeah, I think that the Martin Donovan´s performances are great, almost incredibles, he´s a really good actor, one of my favorites... but I think that any director still don´t give him a true chance to perform in all his posibilities, he´s incredible and h doesn´t have any fault to be very unlucky to find good roles. Martin is great, really great, he needs in this moment a movie that makes him one of the greatest, only that.

Benjamin J Jones - 01/23/00 17:28:16

Martin Donovan is a pure genius. It is no wonder he ended up playing Jesus- much more convincing than Robert Powell. I love him so much, I have named my band after him. I dont have any decent critcisms or comments to make, I am sorry. I just needed to express my respect and admiration in the only way I knew how.

gabrielle charisse - 01/13/00 21:18:08
My Email:saylorgabe@yahoo.com

hal hartley and martin total estacy on film

Roger Lummus - 01/12/00 01:02:22
My Email:rlummus@ttiinc.com

I went to college with Marty . I have lost touch with him. If an e-mail address exists, please let me know. He hasn't changed a bit. Thanks for putting this site together. Nicely done! It's so frustrating when an old friend is so close but yet so far.

lei - 11/01/99 20:32:22
My Email:lei_shein@hotmail.com

I am sitting in front of a computer in a desprate search for Martin Donovan's web site, images, fan club e-mail list etc. for over an hour and I am so glad that I finally find this one. I am a fan of him after I have watched 'Trust' last year. He is bri lian and multi-talented. This site opens a window to his fans like us.

Virago - 10/30/99 11:10:40
My Email:virago71@aol.com

Your site is a worthy shrine to a perfect actor.

Lucy - 10/25/99 22:18:45

Wow, I didn't know there was a page on Martin Donovan! :) I've been a fan since I first saw "Hollow Reed." (I've since watched it over and over, about a million times.) He's a brillant actor....and this is a really great page!

Anita - 10/25/99 04:27:10
My URL:http://www.onelist.com/community/MartinDonovan
My Email:MartinDonovan-owner@onelist.com

Hi All I just loved this page! I'm the owner of a onelist mailing list about Martin. You're all welcome to join!

Anita - 10/25/99 04:17:54
My URL:http://www.onelist.com/community/MartinDonovan
My Email:MartinDonovan-owner@onelist.com

Hi All I just loved this page! I'm the owner of a onelist mailing list about Martin. You're all welcome to join!

aggie - 10/22/99 20:00:57
My Email:aggie@xs4all.nl

We are desperately looking for Martin Donavans email address. Can anybody help us!!??

Hiroko - 10/16/99 11:23:51
My Email:cinema@d3.dion.ne.jp

I saw "trust" recently in tv and became Martin's fan. I am japanese girl and live in japan, but regrettably, he wasn't famous and japan couldn't find his fan page in the at sight of the japanese. Now, I came to this page. English is a weak point and it doesn't understand the contents oh the page well but it thinks that it wants to come often to this page as Martin's fan which is the same as all from now, too. Give me a mail because anyone ia good!

Kelly - 09/17/99 15:49:58
My Email:kelly@luckycharms.com

I was very happy to see that there was a page for our beloved Martin. I have been a fan since Trust and am glad that Martin has so many fans that are respectful of his tremendous talent. I would love to see more pictures though. Keep up the good work!< r>
jedicat - 09/11/99 04:53:12
My URL:http://fly.to/blue.skies
My Email:angrylilpixie@yahoo.com

martin donovan... ::sigh:: ever since i've seen "trust", i've always looked for a little bit of matthew slaughter in every man i've gone out with. but after seeing "when trumpets fade", i realized that my obsession with matthew slaughter goes on to being an obsession with martin donovan. well, not quite an obsession. just a um er vast appreciation :-) i actually thought i had signed this guestbook earlier, but i guess i hadn't. but it's an awesome page, and i just i'd mention that you rock!! (by the way, i'm not an obsessive star wars fan, it's just an odd nickname that stuck).

Raffaella - 08/09/99 12:08:08
My URL:/SoHo/Square/4136
My Email:rossEross@tin.it

I didn't know there was a page on Martin Donovan! I've been a fan since I saw Portrait of a Lady. Unfortunatly, his films never seem to reach Italy. Love, Raffaella

dylan michel - 08/09/99 03:34:12
My URL:http://angelfire.com/sk/dmichel
My Email:dylanmichel@hotlinks.net.au

very cool!! page on Martin Donavon... Im trying to build a page with geocities after seeing yours... Thanx

I am just a girl... yes! It is me! Again! - 07/20/99 05:53:18

Apparently, I have misspelled the word "talented". Well, I just want to let you know that there is a reason for it. English is my second language and in my first language we spell it like "talant". If I write anything else, I will make even more mistakes. That's it!

I am just a girl... - 07/20/99 05:34:32

Hello! I have a request for life. I would like to clone Martin Donovan. Where else can a girl find a guy like that in real life? Ok, ok, I am just kidding, no need to be alarmed. But I do think he is a very talanted actor and a handsome man. I wish there were more movies with him as an actor.

Richard - 07/16/99 17:19:06
My Email:richardd_pt@yahoo.com

Hello! I have a request for life. I would like to own Hollow Reed. I have a VHS video system so, if anyone kindly do so... Of course I will pay te tape and postage. thank you.

angelcake - 07/11/99 06:08:11
My Email:iamangelcake@juno.com


angel - 07/11/99 06:07:38


Shawn Snipes - 07/10/99 02:42:15
My Email:ssnipes@yahoo.com

I LOVE HIM!!!! ok. that's it.

Tim Tipton - 03/27/99 22:24:44

I have been a fan of Martin Donovans' since seeing him in Opposite Of Sex back in July of last year. In the eight months preceeding, I have seen almost every film he has done. I have seen all of his Hal Hartley perfomances. I think he is quite extrodinary and exceptional. Looking forward to more. My favorite performances of his were in TRUST, OPPOSITE OF SEX, HALLOW REED, and PORTRIAT OF A LADY (my all-time favorite).,

fig - 03/25/99 15:22:29
My Email:mar018@unl.ac.uk

The more pics the better. Thank you! It really is a nice page.

amanda - 03/21/99 05:47:12
My Email:artist@pop.netspace.net.au

thankyou for the great info on martin. i;ve been searching for some decent photos and was pleased to find quite a few treasures here. keep up the good work!

Corey Mesler - 03/14/99 19:32:48
My Email:burkes@netten.net


Giselle - 01/27/99 01:14:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Backstage/1552
My Email:Mister_Pinq@yahoo.com

MD is tops on my list too, of sexy, sensitive men. If only there were more like him in real life!

leanna fagan - 01/18/99 14:53:29
My Email:john_or_leanna@msn.com

oops - accid. hit return - martin's timing and delivery creates intresting characters. one of my apirations in life are to be in a H.H. film with him. -- great web page

leanna fagan - 01/18/99 14:45:31
My Email:john_or_leanna@msn.com


Julius - 01/16/99 08:43:20
My URL:http://i.am/u.are
My Email:liefde@dolfijn.nl

OK, I just linked your site up on my favorite actors list. Great material you have on him. One of the coolest actors around, I think..



Crystal - 01/16/99 03:35:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~indiefilmfan/index.html
My Email:filmbuff19@hotmail.com

Great site. You have a great amount of information on the site.

tell you later - 01/15/99 19:30:56
My Email:mar018@unl.ac.uk

let's see if my comment shows up...

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