A Socio/Economic/Political Webpage by Dr. Stuart Bulge.

They are a dying breed. Indians or "those dirty people who won't let us steal their land" are tragically decreasing by the second. In fact 4 Indians dissapear during each second.

Steve is the last native Indian of Burbank, California. He will be turning 96 this July and his culture is being swallowed away in the glamor of show business. After good ol' Stevie is gone, native culture may be extinct in California altogether.

How does the white population respond to this tragic event? John Hammond of Acid Lake New Jersey wrote in, "What are Natives?". So will they be missed? Probably not, should they be missed? Well I'm very white so I really should not answer.

The extinction of Native Indians will leave a festering mold on humanity. For example, all those millions of Indians that pay to support this website and many other sites of this callaber. It's a tragedy. And what will happen to the quality programing of channel 72? well, I guess it could go. It's a shame English America has corrupted a nation build on the native and raised on the native. We could have at least given them a cartoon on the WB! Their culture has become so dilluted in the almighty ocean of European tides. To me the cultural genocide of it's people can be best summed in that really hip tune from Flock of Seagulls.

To commemerate the extintion of Steve the last native Indian, General Electric has proposed a Last native Indian Dance Party for later this month outside of 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. And MacDonalds has issued a Last Native Indian Value meal in most of their chains.

We are sorry Indians... you are not as bad as the Amish! I really appreciate you. If it was not for your honourable people what would we do with all the extra booze. If it makes you feel any better it was very hard stealing your land from you and it took alot of work and dedication. How about these historic movements:

"Steve" the last native Indian we salute you!!! Indians are very cool!!! I'm Racist Journalist Stuart Bulge, I salute you because I know you can hunt me down and kill me!!!

United We stand in the War against Terrorism

None of the comments on this webpage represent the website, the internet, humanity, or anyone in particular. Stuart Bulge is a nurturer, humanatarian who works for several charities and organizations. However, he holds no official credentials at this time.