Highlander Guardian Angels

Everyone needs a Guardian Angel......including immortals.

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Guardian Angels are all around us. They hear our thoughts, our wishes, our prayers. They watch over us and keep us safe from harm. Sometimes they need a little help, though. That's where you come in.

The characters of Highlander....both the movies and series....need Guardian Angels too. It is only fair that our beloved Immortals, Mortals, and Watchers be guided and protected. Even those we've lost needed a Guardian Angel at some point in their lives. It has been decided that we, the faithful followers of Highlander, shall take on the job of Guardian Angel for the characters. And of course, we who live to serve have agreed.

Connor MacLeod rests.

The Celestial Hierarchy of Angels

According to the writings of Dionysius and St. Thomas Aquinas, there exists a regime of the angels, divided into three groups. Within the three groups, or Hierarchies, they are ranked from highest to lowest into nine orders or choirs.

The First Hierarchy

(those closest to God who contemplate His goodness)




The Second Hierarchy

(those who keep the universe in working order)




The Third Hierarchy

(those who direct the ordering of human affairs)



Guardian Angels

Marcus Constantine
The life of an immortal, or even a mortal, can become very difficult. We as Angels are there to bring peace....to comfort....to intervene when needed. But mostly, we are there to love. For no matter who the person is, immortal or mortal...no matter what they have done or what they stand for...no matter what they believe in or do not believe in...we love them still. Good and bad. When they hurt, we feel the pain. When they are happy, we know the joy. And when they die, we...more than anyone...bear the loss. We are Angels....that's what we are here for...those who need us most.

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Rebecca and student, Amanda

Angel of God, my Guardian dear,

To Whom God's love entrusts me here;

Ever this day be at my side,

To light and guard,

To rule and guide.

------Traditional Prayer

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To become a Highlander Guardian Angel

please visit our Guidelines page.

But first stop by and see who already has Angels.

Or visit one of these pages Duncan's Angels Page / Methos' Angels Page / Richie's Angels Page / Fitz's Angels Page / Cassandra's Angels Page / Joe's Angels Page

You are the angel to enter here since 26 October 1998.

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All rights to Highlander and it's characters belong to Rysher. This page is for the enjoyment of myself and my fellow "angels". If there are any problems with any of the pictures or wordings on this page due to copyright infringements, please contact me at din0mite@yahoo.com. And on a personal note, to those of you who have helped me with this project...and you know who you are (those who sent pictures, helped with pages, backgrounds, etc.)...I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without you, this page would have never happened. May you spend the mortal life you've been given in peace and happiness. Thank you and Peace. Din0mite....Principality of Angels

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