What's a BOOBANKY?

That's a BOOBANKY.

Known to most of you as the DD44 Dostovei (from Goldeneye 007) the Boobanky has an 8-bullet clip with a delivery like a brick through a plate-glass window. It cannot be fitted with a silencer and it is very loud. But, need not worry, it will kill anything you point and pull the trigger at. The phrase "Frickin' Boobanky" was developed by myself when I was playing Goldeneye 007. I was playing multiplayer (there were four of us if I recall), I was in a confrontation with an opponent, I had a Boobanky (DD44 Dostovei), we were in a gun battle and I came to the bottom of my clip but I kept pushing the "Z" button, not realizing I was out of ammo and it wouldn't reload and I died as a result. So I yelled "Frickin' Boobanky". I shit you not.

Now, I invented the phrase "Frickin' Boobanky", but I did not come up with the word 'boobanky'. That honor goes to Travis Kraushar of Warman, Saskatchewan, Canada. See, the thing is when he was young (like 2 or 3) he had a blue blanket. And he called it his "Boo Banky". With a little modification from myself along with Sean Clarke and Jesse Becker we came up with the Boobanky term you see today (no, not 'Boobanky sperm', Boobanky term).

:] :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :]

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